The open air preview screening of the film “Princess Toyotomi,” starring Tsutsumi Shinichi, Ayase Haruka, Okada Masaki, and Nakai Kiichi, in front of the illuminated Osaka Castle, was a unique experience for the cast and the 800 people in the audience.
“Princess Toyotomi” plays in modern-day Japan and follows three elite investigators from the Board of Audit in Japan who stumble across a 400 year-old secret that reaches back to a clash between the Toyotomi clan and Tokugawa Ieyasu. Due to this secret, Osaka could actually be considered an independent country within Japan.
The castle also was one of the locations used during the filming last summer, but it was Ayase who received most of the attention during the stage greeting. Famous for being a natural airhead, the actress started to fumble her words right away. “It’s such a beautiful temple,” she said and quickly tried to correct herself, “Oh wait, it’s a shrine. My bad.”
More than 2,000 tried to get one of the 800 tickets for the open air screening, and despite being quite a chilly night, everyone enjoyed the stage greeting and the movie. Ayase still worried about them and said, “Be careful not to get a night cold.” Tsutsumi was confused and asked, “Did you just say a night cold? Does such a word exist?” This time she successfully found the right saying, “Ah, it is actually ‘getting a cold while asleep,’ right?”
Lightning up the event with her airy character, Okada eventually missed to talk about an interesting incident. Before going off the stage, he said, “Crap! Now I forgot to speak about how Nakai touched my butt two times just before going on stage today.”