Suzuki Kyoka’s “Second Virgin” will have an explicit movie sequel

Feb 28, 2011 10:19

It’s been announced that a movie sequel will be made for Suzuki Kyoka’s drama, “Second Virgin“.

“Second Virgin” aired on NHK from October to December of last year and generated a lot of buzz over its theme of an extramarital affair between a woman and a much younger man.

The drama was about the dangerous love affair between a 45-year-old publisher (Suzuki) and a 28-year-old married man (Hasegawa Hiroki), with Fukada Kyoko playing Hasegawa’s wife. Although NHK is a conservative channel, the drama featured a risqué bed scene between the two main characters.

At the end of the drama series, Hasegawa’s character died, so the film will likely focus on a new relationship for Suzuki. The script is being written by Oishi Shizuka, who also wrote for the drama series. Movies in Japan obviously have more lax censorship, and the sequel is expected to have even more explicit scenes.

Filming is expected to commence in June with the release date aimed at September, and NHK is also contemplating making a special drama.



nhk, actor, fukada kyoko, movie, drama, sequel

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