The cast of the upcoming movie “Hankyu Densha“, including Nakatani Miki, Toda Erika, Miyamoto Nobuko, Mina Mikaho, and Ashida Mana, appeared at a press conference at The Ritz-Carlton in Tokyo today.
As announced back in August, the film will revolve around a group of stories that focus on the lives of passengers on the Hankyu Train. The story of Nakatani’s and Toda’s characters will work as the central theme.
Nakatani plays an OL (office lady) named Sachiko, who has had her fiancé stolen by a co-worker. She boards the train while wearing a wedding dress and an expression as if she could start crying any second. Prior to boarding the train, she tried to crash the marriage ceremony of said co-worker and her ex-boyfriend, but unfortunately she was thrown out of the ceremony. Meanwhile, Toda plays a college student named Misa who is being bothered by a violent boyfriend.
Nakatani spoke a bit about her role, “I think it’s a character that actually put something into practice many other women with a similar experience were only able to imagine. People always told me that I shouldn’t become an actress, but I believed that this is exactly what I wanted to be.” About marriage, she added, “I don’t want to live an eccentric life like Sachiko. I prefer a modest life. Like many others, I just want to live a simple and ordinary life.”
Toda also commented on her role, saying, “I think there are a lot of women out there who suffer from a similar experience to that of Misa. There is something really important I’d like to convey through her character, and I hope that everyone will be able to see what I mean.” Regarding Nakatani, she added, “I’ve been looking up to her since I was a child. It was truly amazing that I was finally able to get to know her in person. I’ve learned a lot from her, and I definitely want to keep on studying under her from now. Please teach me many more things.”
Miyamoto Nobuko is playing a detestable old woman, whereas Ashida Mana is going to act as her suffering granddaughter. Mina Mikaho is a housewife, and part of a circle of women who have a rich husband. Furthermore, there are going to be high school students, otakus, and many more individual characters boarding the train together with their individual stories.
“Hankyu Densha” will open in the Kansai region on April 23rd. A nationwide release is scheduled for April 29th.