As hinted above, Ishihara is playing the girlfriend of the unpopular comedian Tobio, played by Sato. At the talk session the cast discussed whether they would like to have Ishihara or another fellow entertainer as their actual girlfriend in real life.
In a recent variety show, Ayabe and some of his colleagues chose Ishihara as their favorite woman, especially because of her great sense of comedy. He stated, “Every entertainer is working hard to pursue his or her dream. It would be nice to have an understanding girlfriend like her.” Sato started to like his idea and joined his side in the discussion.
Meanwhile director Shinagawa countered with a strong statement and said, “I hope she will never go out with an entertainer.” He continued, “For example, if Ayabe and Ishihara were to go out with each other, I would start to dislike her, even if she’s my junior. She should go out with ordinary people such as a carpenter or a baker.” Of course they were just making fun of each other.
Kamiji agreed with him and said, “Both of us would have a really busy schedule, so it would be difficult to have a good relationship.”
Another topic discussed was whether Sato would be fit to be a genuine comedian. Ayabe gave him his stamp of approval. He said, “His passion regarding comedy is similar to ours.” Nishidai disagreed, “Nah, he is too serious.”
Director Shinagawa actually criticized Sato as well stating, “He might not be fit to be a comedian… It can be good to be serious when telling jokes, but he might be too serious.”
Sato was confused and asked, “How can YOU say I’m not suited for comedy after casting me for the movie?!” Shinagawa turned away and mumbled, “He is amazing when it comes to comic dialogue (manzai), but this is a movie where you have to act out a role. In reality this kid is just way too serious.”
The audience was already laughing hard before the movie even started.
“Manzai Gang” will open in cinemas on March 19th.
more pics @ source