Actresses Kawakita Mayuko, Narumi Riko, and Kutsuna Shiori graduate from high school

Feb 19, 2011 01:22

Teenage actresses Kawakita Mayuko, Kutsuna Shiori, and Narumi Riko held a special interview on February 18th in celebration of their graduation from Horikoshi High School, where they shared their plans after graduation.

“I’m so glad I could graduate with everyone else. It was the best three years ever!”, said Kawakita with a huge smile on her face. But when asked about having to give up her school uniform, the actress looked a bit sad. “I won’t think about it,” she replied, looking wistful.

Narumi look more relieved to be done with school, stating, “It still doesn’t feel real to me at all, but it’s a fun feeling. Since we get frantically promoted (to the next grade) every year, I’m glad that we had a peaceful graduation.” She also revealed that she would not be going straight to college following her graduation, declaring, “I want to do everything. I want to act in a bunch of works.”

Kutsuna, who is the only one of the three girls who will be continuing her education, enthusiastically exclaimed, “School and work can coexist!” Having experienced being a student and an actress at the same time, the young actress realizes the weight of such a decision and accepted the challenge with full responsibility. “(Acting) was complicated in comparison to school, but these three years are all over now,” she commented with an air of gratitude. “Seeing a night become ‘yesterday’ with my crowded hours made me feel how precious time was. I’ve bid farewell to a youth I didn’t get to taste.”

The actresses made sure to end the press conference on a happy note even as they exchanged goodbyes. “It would be fun if we could meet here again,” smiled Narumi.



actress, narumi riko, kutsuna shiori

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