Like cats and dogs, Fukada Kyoko and Kuwabata Rie

Nov 24, 2010 11:39

Actress Fukada Kyoko (27) and comedienne Kuwabata Rie (34) might belong to the same agency, but they try everything to avoid each other.

It's not just about avoiding each other, they really hate each other. They hate each other so much that they would never even think of appearing together on TV or any kind of event anymore.

How could a relationship of two colleagues of the same agency get so bad? It seems like the tabloid "Asahi Geino" found out more details from friends and people inside the agency.

"Fukada is younger than Kuwabata, but she never greeted her when they've met. Kuwabata got really angry about this, especially since they rarely get to see each other in the first place. It certainly would be polite to greet your senior during those rare moments and so Kuwabata's anger kept growing every time she met Fukada," a fellow comedian explained.

It doesn't really seem to be a secret that Kuwabata isn't that fond of Fukada to the people around them, but they were still surprised when she suddenly expressed her anger at an internal event.

"It happened 2 years ago. Both of them attended a party where the agency invited all of their shareholders. There was an event during the party where all the agency's talents went on stage and threw colored balls towards the shareholders in the guest seatings. All the popular actress and talents like Fukada Kyoko, Yuuka and so on were standing in the front row while comedians and such were standing behind them. Then they started to throw the balls, but instead of throwing it towards the shareholders, Kuwabata directly hit the back of Fukada's head," an agency insider revealed. "Fukada was furious and yelled at her, 'You know how much that hurt!?', 'How can there be such a person in the same agency as me!?' "

Obviously actresses like Fukada have a much higher value for an agency like HoriPro than comedians like Kuwabata. The incident turned into a huge turmoil inside the agency and rumors spread that HoriPro might be going to discharge Kuwabata.

"However, eventually there have been too many people inside the agency that defended her. 'I can understand why she got angry.' Many people actually started to take her side and thus the agency decided to let the whole thing die down without any real conclusion," the insider continued.

more @ source


actress, fukada kyoko, rumours, comedian

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