SMAP's Tsuyoshi Kusanagi (36) is set to star in a new TBS drama series this winter, titled "Fuyu no Sakura." The heroine role will be played by Miki Imai (47), who has not appeared in a drama series since she starred in "Brand" in 2000.
"Fuyu no Sakura" is described as a pure love story with similarities to the popular Korean drama "Winter Sonata" (titled "Fuyu no Sonata" in Japan). Kusanagi plays a gentle glass craftsman in Yamagata who has no experience in love. Imai plays an older housewife with a husband and daughter who goes on a trip alone to Yamagata, hoping to see sakura trees blooming in winter. She gets into an accident, but is saved by Kusanagi. He ends up tending to her, and the two are soon drawn to each other.
Takeru Sato (21) will play Kusanagi's brother, who left Yamagata and coincidentally worked as a trainee doctor at the hospital run by Imai's husband, played by Masanobu Takashima (44). Rosa Kato (25) will play Sato's girlfriend.
"Fuyu no Sakura" will start in January, airing on Sunday nights at 9:00pm.