On Wednesday, actress Ueto Aya presented the 2nd collection of her personally produced dresses for her own brand "U(YOU) AYA UETO DRESSES". She appeared in front of the reporters wearing one of her new wedding dresses and answered a few questions involving love and her personal wedding plans. "My feelings about love are like those of a junior high school student. I’m in doki-doki mode right now." She revealed. "I want to get married while I’m still in my twenties."
Ueto’s concept for her dresses is "adult-cute", mixing both cute and adult-like elements into her creations. "I didn’t change the simplicity of the dresses compared to my earlier creations, but this I think they turned out to be more autumn-ish." She explained the dresses.
It’s also the 2nd time that she herself chose to wear one of her wedding dresses for the presentation. "It would be great to wear it for an actual wedding." However, without a moment’s delay she added, "But I guess it would be too awkward to wear one of my personally designed dresses for my own wedding, so I’ll probably end up searching my dress at other paces." Ueto also talked a bit about her ideal type of man. "A South Korean like person with a pure heart." Further she added, "There she should be a fresh feeling in every moment."
Starting on September 1st, you’ll be able to rent her dresses at the "Wedding Dress Shops" of every "Joyful Eli" store in the country.