Japan Calls MESSAGES

Apr 13, 2011 00:58

Hey all!

So Moey and I discussed this, and we agreed that it would be a cool idea to make a post where people, if willing, could post their winning messages from their entertainers! (actually, we both had the idea and freakishly came to each other about the same idea at the same time)

So if you would like to share, go ahead and post on this entry with your message. I know there are a variety of different messages, so it would be fun to see what people received for their wonderful donations.

So what are you waiting for? SHARE SHARE SHARE THE LOVE.
Or not. It's up to you.

Also, please don't forget to post HERE if you won a bid and donated. There you can provide us with your name, proof of your donation, and all the other details we'll need to contact your celeb. All the information is in there. If you have any questions you can either email one of us or see THIS post. We WILL make an announcement after we have all the confirmations of the donations about the total raised.

Thanks and lots of love to all you with the big heart-aronies,

Tanya & Moey

reminders, [mod post!], voice messages

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