Week 55/56: Special Challenge :: Voting

Dec 13, 2008 22:32

Submissions are closed for our Special Challenge and we've got 12 wonderful triptych sets! :D

[x] You may not vote for your own icon.
[x] Don't have your friends vote for you.
[x] Vote for the icons themselves NOT the person you think made them.
[x] Voting will end Monday, December 15th @ 7 pm (EST)

You will vote for the best three overall triptych sets (First Place, Second Place, Third Place) and then vote for two icons for Best Cropping and Best Emotion. Vote for one icon only for Most Creative. (Too few icons were in this category, unfortunately. D:)


1st: 43
2nd: 59
3rd: 33

Special Categories:
Best Cropping: C23, C45
Best Emotion: E53, E34
Most Creative: M49

T R I P T Y C H   S E T S
Vote for a total of three (3) triptychs in the order of first, second and third.
Remember, the icons are supposed to be identifiable as a set.

- 01 -

Subject(s): Tora, Saga, Hiroto (alice nine.)

- 02 -

Subject(s): Rokujo Miharu (Nabari no Ou)

- 03 -

Subject(s): Women eating with hashi

- 04 -

Subject(s): Kaguya, Pallas, Mnemosyne and Lethe (Sailor Moon)

- 05 -

Subject(s): Hitsugi (Nightmare)

- 06 -

Subject(s): LM.C / Aiji (LM.C) / Maya (LM.C)

- 07 -

Subject(s): Saga, Hiroto, Nao (alice nine.)

- 08 -

Subject(s): Jyou (exist†trace ) / U-tarou (BAAL) / Exo-chika (Aural Vampire)

- 09 -

Subject(s): Nana Kitade

- 10 -

Subject(s): Sawatari Izumi, Sawatari Mitsuki & Kurauchi Anna (He Is My Master)

- 11 -

Subject(s): Yuki Cross and Kaname Kuran (Vampire Knight)

- 12 -

Subject(s): Ayumi Hamasaki / BoA / Nana Kitade

B E S T   C R O P P I N G
Vote for the icon whose image has been cropped in a way that is well-chosen for both visual interest and communicating the icon's message.

- C01 -

- C02 -

- C03 -

- C04 -

- C05 -

- C06 -

- C07 -

- C08 -

- C09 -

- C10 -

- C11 -

B E S T   E M O T I O N
Vote for the icon that displays emotion the most effectively, evoking strong feeling through well-chosen image and/or text.

- E01 -

- E02 -

- E03 -

- E04 -

- E05 -

- E06 -

- E07 -

- E08 -

M O S T   C R E A T I V E
Vote for the icon that demonstrates the most creativity and originality of design through its image, layout, text, and visual effects.

- M01 -

- M02 -

- M03 -

Please copy and paste the form below when voting so that voting can be kept organized. :)
1st triptych: #
2nd triptych: #
3rd triptych: #
Best Cropping: C#, C#
Best Emotion: E#, E#
Most Creative: M#

Take your time when voting and be sure to double check your numbers. :3 If you have any questions or problems leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

week 55 - 56, special challenge

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