Mod Post - Results of Community Decision

Jun 27, 2008 22:48

The poll is now closed. In the end, the majority of the members who particpated in the poll chose the option that highlighted letters "should only be allowed for hard letters. (Q, U, X, & Z)".

Skye and I weighed not only the results for this choice but the results of the other choices. After that, we still wanted more information so we both went through every single voting post this community has had and counted how many icons there were as well as how many highlighted icons there were.

Total icons submitted in voting posts at japan_abc: 509
Total icons with highlighted letters relating to the challenge letter: 9
Total icons with highlighted letter not relating to the challenge letter: 3

As you can see above, in doing this we discovered that highlighted letters had not only been used for challenge letters. Some users had actually just highlighted a certain letter in their icon for the sole purpose of creativity and aesthetics.

Skye also pointed out another flaw if we changed the rules: The use of highlighted text to make an icon's text readable.


(*A recent challenge icon of mine.)

If we changed the rules here then I would have to add that the above would be alright. Which, it would be. Many people change the colors of their text to make it legible when the image has distinct color changes. I would have to add that on top of a lengthy explanation of what highlighting text was, why it is now limited to certain challenges, the challenges it is stricted to...

In the end, not only is this a lengthy and complicated rule that is bound to cause confusion but we do not have that many highlighted letter icons here at all, really. 9 (or technically 12) out of 509. So, Skye and I have decided to not change any rules here at japan_abc. We stand by our main rules that as long as it is decently obvious of how your icon fits the challenge letter then you should be fine with whatever you submit. :)

We thank you all for your thoughts and your participation in our poll. We also hope our members will understand and be happy about our decision. You are welcome to leave a comment, question, or concern to this post or to email me at my email address. ButterflyJ123[at]aol[dot]com

Thank you,
goth_batafurai & xskye_chanx

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