May 24, 2007 00:00
I told you that it wouldn't be what you expected, demon. I have it all planned out, though, and you'll enjoy it.
“Cass, wake up.”
“’Snodeven ligh’ d’out,” muttered the young woman. She ignored her partner’s nudging, and pulled the sheets tighter around her slender body so that only her hair showed above them. When the other didn’t move, she cracked open one green eye to glare.
“Go ‘way.”
“Caaass.” Belladonna nudged at the huddle of cloth, and then, when she got no reaction, shrugged, grabbed the sheet, and ripped it off. There was a yelp, and Cassandra sat bolt upright, all angles and long brown hair, shirt half off and legs still tangled in the bedclothes. She stared at Bella in open-mouthed astonishment for a moment, then let out a short breath, hitched up the strap of her tanktop, and laughed.
“Alright then. I’m awake. But you’d better have a damn good reason for all this. The sun’s barely even touched the ceiling yet,” she said, and stretched. Bell watched her before replying.
“As a matter of fact, I do. It’s Beltane.”
“…this is your good reason?”
“I figured we should do something to…” she paused, and grinned in a way Cass was all too familiar with, “…observe it.”
“Um. We have the big meeting tonight, I thought that was going to be a celebration?”
“It is. But Beltane is a holiday that celebrates fertility. We should be doing a little more than just scattering grain on the fire and then jumping the burning logs to make sure this year is bountiful. And I have to go to work at eight. And I won’t be back until right before the actual celebration, and that goes all night. And I found a lovely little clearing where the sun hits just right in the morning - ”
“Are you suggesting,” asked Cass carefully, “because I really want to make sure of this, that we go have sex in the woods before you go to work, in order to celebrate an old pagan holiday that neither of us is actually sure we believe in?”
Belladona beamed. “Yes,” she said. “Exactly!”
“I can’t believe you,” muttered the brunette, her voice muffled as she pulled off her pajamas. Belladonna watched impassivly, until the other straightened. Then she purred slightly, drawing a snort from Cass, who remarked, “I didn’t get to watch you strip. You were already dressed in that riduculous earth-mother get-up when you yanked my covers off. That’s not exactly fair.”
“You’ll get your chance.”
“Mm.” Cass pulled a pair of long shorts from the dresser and tugged them on. Bell examined them, then pointed out,
“Those aren’t your shorts.”
“Nope. They’re August’s, I stole them because he is very skinny and foolish enough to let me do his laundry.” She hooked her bra into place and put on the first shirt that came to hand, a dark blue fitted tee. “Ready?”