I mean, I don't use Facebook at all, and my Twitter account is mostly for publishing screenshots and things I find amusing when I'm playing videogames on the PS4. That's the source of my current music, as the Dark Souls 3 "Ashes of Ariandel" content came out fairly recently. I've also been playing the everloving bollocks out of Xenoverse 2, because as generically anime as Dragonball is? There is a certain catharsis in creating a pureblooded human character in a series dominated by Saiyans and going around and beating the whole plot to death with a man who isn't even wearing a shirt. The guest appearances by Xenoverse 1's former protagonist character import is also pretty awesome too.
Life continues like it always does, I am indeed an uncle now and the little spawn of my sister is resembling something human at this point. His name is Toby (short for Tobias) and he has his grandfather's (my father's) middle name. It's an odd mix of being proud for my sister and being so annoyed about the whole situation, because with one parent working and the other away a lot playing golf? I'm the only person around who can help my sister out if she needs a second person in the car to help with the kid while they're out and doing things. Someone to watch him while she gets fuel, or has to go to the bathroom while shopping, and so on. It's at once both something I don't mind doing and something I really wish the father was more reliably around for.
Still haven't made a particularly huge dent in either reading or DVDs. I'm currently reading Tooth and Claw by Jo Walton, which basically reads like a story of inheritance, drama and politics - except every character involved is a dragon. And it is at once both weird and amazing and it's the sort of thing one hopes to pick up when they find books at a book fair. As for the immense list of DVDs I've slowly been working through, I can now cross off Crimson Peak as a rather fascinating movie and the documentary series The Hunt, yet another Sir David Attenborough masterpiece of nature storytelling. I then in an act of supreme genius found two other DVDs shopping that I'd been chasing and bought them, putting me back where I started like a total dumbass.
But yes, I'm still alive, for the one person reading all this, and things are still going well. I leave you with my latest commission piece, an old by many years wrestler-character turned furry turned RP-that-never-got-off-the-ground. Back when I used to name EVERYONE I made for seperate RPs all over the place the same thing.
Janus. The art is by Magic (or as I still occasionally call him, Doctor Ink), and I am very pleased with it. Now it's nearly midnight and I'm just chilling around on my ancient computer machinery. Good evening, ladles and jellybeans.