Jan 15, 2006 21:33
Alec knows he's drunk.
He gives the empty bottle of Russky Standart on the floor a vicious kick and watches with glee as it rolls across the empty room, disappearing under the leather couch. His mood changes as his eyes focus on the couch. He should be on the couch, stretched out with a book in his hands watching his pet play cards on the thick Persian rug covering the floor and glare at the book.
But he's standing with his back against the cool glass of the window and there's no one on the rug. He takes a swig from the half-full bottle in his hand, letting the smooth spirit burn its way down his throat and set fire in his belly. It's only proper.. burnt on the outside and now burning inside.
His gaze shies away from the empty rug and lands on the oval-shaped mirror hanging on the wall. It should show the whole room, but to Alec's eyes it only shows the rug. He swears and his arms moves of its own accord, sending the bottle flying, smashing into the mirror with a satisfactory sound of breaking glass. Pleased by the spark of life that the loud noise has momentarily brought to the room, he walks over and stands watching his face reflect in each piece of broken mirror, not even aware of the glass shards cutting his bare feet.
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His grandfather's voice echoes in his mind... If you break a mirror, it’s bad luck. Do not look into a broken mirror.
It is the first time in his life that he's broken a mirror, Alec thinks. So, does this mean his bad luck is beginning now? He eyes his damaged face in the many mirrors lying on the floor, then laughs and turns away.