1) Berk
n : a stupid person who is easy to take advantage of
2) Dicking
dicked, dick·ings, dicks
v: to fuck someone casually, or for money
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We open the scene on the Caucasian Mountains, in a distance shot panel. It's dark, storming; snow-blind. We get closer as narration continues in the background. [The] basic premise is, on the mountains at the edge of the world, at the furthest extent of the mortal realm, a great rock juts over the precipice of oblivion.
*Zoom in to overhead of the rock*
And bound to that Rock is a man. A God. His name is Prometheus.
*Full page shot of Prometheus, bound to the rock, the elements raging about him*
Next, the Dawn comes, and with it, the eagle/vulture of Zeus.
*Proceed through several panels of liver ripping; end with the foreshadowing of Prometheus enduring his suffering*
For he knows that one day Zeus too shall fall.
*End of Prologue*
Begin Chapter One: "The Birth of Heracles…"
(And so it continues, through Heracles conception and birth. I figure next there has to be something about his miraculous strength being revealed. I'm toying with the idea of making it come with age, i.e. it manifests sporadically until puberty, at which point it shows up in a big way and is there to stay. So that way we don't have an infant baby ripping his mother's fingers off. Practical, no?
So then we get into his young life, and then the labors. I want to kind of tone down the mystical aspects a bit… The whole thing is really ultimately about his rise and fall and descent into rage and madness, and his struggle to find a normal life… and his eventual freeing of Prometheus, and realization of his destiny.
See, the Labors are really just a plot device. The essence would, of course, be in the characters. I love the idea of a plot between Heracles and Prometheus against Zeus. I really want people to think that Heracles is the one whom Prometheus prophesizes about. Maybe even Heracles will think that… which would explain why Zeus does nothing to prevent Hera from driving Heracles mad.)
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"I want to say Cupid and Psyche. Yes, that one, I suppose. Just because it has a happy ending, and so few Greek Myths do. Reality is it bitter anyway; I can learn life lessons just from living. If I'm going to absorb fiction, it may as well be happy. Besides, I love the way it's not 'girl on pyre, boy swoops in and saves day' type stuff. Psyche works to get her husband back. I appreciate that too."