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serratedpearls April 17 2015, 18:27:57 UTC
“I know,” Baekhyun nods. The sun is fighting is last battle against the night on the horizon line, and it's painting gold and red on Baekhyun's left cheek. His right cheek is already dark and cold, pale and maybe even shivering. “But it'll never be enough. I will always want more time with you, Jongdae.”
He grabs his best friend's hand and pulls him against his chest, his own arms wrapping around Baekhyun's body, pressing him against his heart, palming the soft lines of his back muscles and burying themselves in his hair. His lips leave tiny kisses on Baekhyun's cheek, on his temple and his forehead, and when Jongdae feels it's not enough anymore, he stops them near Baekhyun's ear, and starts whispering. He whispers about everything, and it doesn't make any sense, except that it does, because Baekhyun is smiling against him, swallowing down his tears. Jongdae talks and talks, the sun loses its battle, the night engulfs them, but Jongdae keeps talking, and Baekhyun keeps smiling. Eventually, Jongdae has nothing more to say, but Baekhyun still have plenty of reasons to smile, so Jongdae keeps hugging him, pressing him closer to his chest, afraid that if he lets go, Baekhyun will stop smiling. He thinks about Baekhyun holding his hand since they were kids, and he smiles too.

“I always order the things I know you'll like because you swap our orders every time,” he confesses.
true love :')

Baekhyun's fingers are so much easier to keep than the hours he tried so hard to stop, so Jongdae keeps them. Jongdae will always keep them.

Jongdae watches his best friend. Baekhyun is out of breath, as if he's just run a marathon, and his eyes are glistenning with tears. It gives a new depth to the blackness of his irises, and a kind of epic feeling to his long lashes, now sporting a tiny few droplets. He's beautiful, with his pink lips and the softness of his cheeks, long -too long- bangs covering his eyebrows, merging so pleasantly with his slightly tanned skin. Jongdae takes in the delicate features and the strength he knows hidden behind them, Baekhyun's lip mole, and his round nose. He thinks about how different Baekhyun's laugh sounds when it's three in the morning, how his hair always somehow smells like a lost garden, wild and free, and about his eyelids closing on his eyes whenever Baekhyun sings his heart out. The stewardess clears her throat, but Baekhyun keeps watching him with begging and teary eyes, so tiny, and so tall at the same time. Byun Baekhyun will always be more and more and more and more.
okay so I lied I never actually cry from reading fics bUT I ACTUALLY TEARED UP THIS IS A FIRST I FUCKING HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY

I am done reading and I'm just so

like I wish I could finish that sentence but. i just. this fic? is??? /sigh my best friends that i mentioned moved from new england to china at the beginning of high school and i felt like it was the end of the world and this fic genuinely is so so so important and [insert adjective that adequately expresses all my feelings]. is there a word that expresses that feeling when you feel like your soul has been exposed to the world in the most beautiful of ways, because that is how i feel right now. thank you for writing this fic and I'm so happy for you two<3


januarys_lovers April 26 2015, 19:05:32 UTC

First of all, I'm truly sorry it took me so long to answer to your wonderful comment. Know that I read it the day you posted it though, and it really moved me. So, let me thank you before I add anything else, because you quoted things, you wrote such a long comment, I am truly grateful! I feel like however I'll answer it won't really convey how moved I am, but I'll still try.

The writer in me is really, reall, REALLY, happy it touched the writer in you ♡ thank you for the quotes and for all those beautiful things you said about my writing when I'm just lame most of the time, with a barely understandable English. Thank you for saying I wrote baekchen nicely as well because, damn characterizations are what always make me the most nervous ;_;

As for the character death warning, you were wrong, I'm actually very cruel. I'm totally the type to not include then in the warnings bc I think they ruin the suspense, and sometimes the plot of the story. I really wanted to make people doubt with this Fic and the countdown, so I'm kind of happy you felt the sense of urgency in every scene. But I do am a little bad about the chest pains it may have given you ;))

Lastly, I'm truly sorry to hear about your best friend. I hope you two are still in touch. It must have been hard for you, so let me virtual hug you ♡

I probably forgot to say some things, but let me repeat myself again, and tell you how thankful I am for your comment. I know the platonic thing isn't a thing people really like yo read abt bc they want more, but you still read it, and even took the time to comment it so nicely. It does mean a lot ♡ thank you  so much


serratedpearls June 3 2015, 03:19:07 UTC
lol I've literally been meaning to answer this comment for over a month but I just wanted to say that I'm glad you enjoyed my comment and also platonic!!! soulmates!!!!!!! I assure you I am a huge, huge fan of platonic things (I'm asexual and on the aromantic spectrum, so platonic things make me extra happy^^') and if you wrote more platonic fics I would 1000000000% love to read them ;)

Anyway, I hope you've been well in the last like 5 weeks since you commented!!!! (I'm actually so sorry it's taken so long I have zero excuses for taking so long...)


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