he's the cheese to my macaroni ; chenyeol

Mar 15, 2015 20:19

Title: He's the cheese to my macaroni
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jongdae/Chanyeol
Wordcount: 5,381
Warning: Unbetaed, (bad) pwp, language, dumb
Disclaimer: EXO belongs to themselves and SME
Notes: This is Cla's fault, she forced me to publish this so please, hate her, not me. Title comes from Juno, the movie.
Summary: Jongdae still can't believe that it took him close to 24 years to realise how fucking hot his best friend is.

“You have... terrible hands?”

Chanyeol's eyes widen at Jongdae, and the latter internally winces at the look of pure betrayal in his friend's eyes. That's the whole point of course, but it doesn't mean that Jongdae has to enjoy it. He likes it better when Chanyeol is all goofy smiles and single dimple, but his undying affection for Chanyeol's face is what lead them both here in the end. Jongdae has never been scared of closed spaces, or whatever typical claustrophobics usually fear, but being locked up in Park Chanyeol's room with the latter is starting to give him the cold sweats.

“You really think my hands are terrible?” Chanyeol pouts as he raises his hands to examine them.

Jongdae smacks him on the arm.

“You're not helping, Yeol,” he winces between gritted teeth, and Chanyeol's eyes widen. He nods with a knowing look, and Jongdae is now really really really close to throw himself out of the window.

“Well, you have a terrible forehead. It's huge, honestly,” Chanyeol retorts.

Ouch. Jongdae winces, suddenly hyper aware of the way he styled his hair up today, and reaches out to cover his forehead with the palm of his hand. Chanyeol throws him a sorry look but Jongdae brushes it off with a dismissive gesture of the hand.

“I can still smell the sexual tension you know,” Kyungsoo's voice states through Chanyeol's locked door. “It fucking stinks.”

Jongdae groans and buries his face in his hands as he slumps down on Chanyeol's bed. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo locked them up four hours ago, and they've tried anything to get out of here, but with Kyungsoo against them, the chances were slim. Jongdae pretended to faint and Chanyeol screamed for help. They played video games, naively thinking they could grind Kyungsoo down, but that was before Kyungsoo actually cut the power. The only distractions they get now come from Baekhyun's regular evil cackles and the crumpling sounds mocking them through the door everytime Kyungsoo opens a new bag of chips.

“You're feeding on our misery,” Jongdae whines. He pulls his hands away from his face and clenches his fists. “WHYYYYYYY!”

Chanyeol lets out a muffled sound, somewhere between a gasp and a moan, that has Jongdae feeling... things. He looks up at Chanyeol who shrugs, eyebrows knitted with sorry.

“You're cute,” he mouths.

Jongdae glares at him. He has his cheek pressed against Chanyeol's pillow and it smells terribly good, a mix of Chanyeol's natural musky scent with a hint of strawberry shampoo (which is totally unfair because Chanyeol can't be hot and cute at the same time), so Chanyeol's heavy eyes on him are really not helping right now.

“Not on your misery though. More on your lameness.” Baekhyun argues from the other side of the door. “Chanyeol's hands are beautiful and manly and also very talented. He can cook, he can play piano and guitar, and don't tell me you never dreamed of having those really manly hands manhandling you, Kim Jongdae because you and I both know that wouldn't be true. You'll have to find better than that.”

Jongdae straightens so quickly that he gets lightheaded. It's just his luck, of course, that he doesn't pass out and has to face Chanyeol's smirk. There's no way his dignity will survive to this, and if Baekhyun keeps revealing everything about his wet dreams, he'll probably have to bury it himself, but honest to God, he'll kill Baekhyun with the shovel first.

Chanyeol reaches out, but Jongdae pulls his hand away before Chanyeol's fingers can get to his. His friend doesn't let it discourage him and settles to brush Jongdae's knee instead.

“I really like your forehead, you know,” he whispers with a soft smile.

“Shut up,” Jongdae grumbles as he looks away. He goes to grab Chanyeol's hand anyway.

Chanyeol's hands are nice, but they also feel nice. Jongdae doesn't even have to look to know that Chanyeol's fingers, although longer, fit perfectly between his, but he still glances down. He tells himself it's out of curiosity but both he and Chanyeol know that curiosity has nothing to do with the warmth spreading on their skin right now. Chanyeol is rubbing soft and soothing circles with his thumb on the inside of Jongdae's wrist, and the fleeting contact is more than enough to send sparks of electricity across Jongdae's whole body. Breathing gets a little harder, or maybe it's the oxygen around them that gets thicker, but wherever the tension comes from, there's nothing they can do to run away from it. Jongdae doesn't want to anyway, and that's the exact reason why they're both here.

He practically grew up with Chanyeol and Baekhyun. There's a legend only told during big dinner nights in the Byun, Kim and Park's houses that says that there isn't a single picture of Chanyeol, Jongdae or Baekhyun alone from their diaper days. Even if there was, it wouldn't change the fact that Chanyeol has been his friend for almost as long as Jongdae's been breathing, and he doesn't want to lose that. Chanyeol shouldn't have become something more, but then again, they probably shouldn't have made out at this party four months ago, because it definitely was the downfall of it all. The thing is, it happened and Jongdae doesn't want to deal with the changes, nor does he want to admit that he doesn't look Chanyeol in the eyes when the latter talks anymore, because he's too busy staring at his lips.

“Are you two making out?” Baekhyun asks, with a hint of delight in his voice that has Jongdae grinding his teeth.

Having Baekhyun and Kyungsoo as roommates obviously made the whole denial thing harder, especially since they caught Chanyeol sucking bruises on Jongdae's neck at Zitao's last party. (“Since you don't want to date or even talk about it, maybe you should try to tell each other the things you don't like about the other?” -cue more evil cackles-”And we'll free you two when you're done!)

“I hate you Byun Baekhyun,” Jongdae mutters.

He can still feel Chanyeol's eyes on him, but he refuses to meet them. This is too embarrassing, and a little scary when he thinks about it. He's not drunk enough to deal with his new attraction to Park Chanyeol, and there's no music loud enough to make him forget about the erratic beating of his heart. It's not as easy as Baekhyun want to make it sound, because friends to lovers happen all the time, but lovers to friends is pretty rare and always fragile. Jongdae's friensdship with Chanyeol is nothing but fragile, it's strong and comforting, and it's always there, no matter how much Jongdae screws up. There's so much about Chanyeol that he likes, but that just makes more things he's not ready to lose. He'll never be ready to lose Chanyeol.

“Hey Baek,” Chanyeol suddenly says, and when Jongdae looks up, Chanyeol winks at him.


“Remember the time you had sex with Junmyeon on Kyungsoo's bed?”

Jongdae's eyes widen but Chanyeol presses a hand against his mouth to stop him from laughing. The silence on the other side of the door is defeaning, and Jongdae can almost hear Baekhyun gulp. The door creaks slightly, probably from Kyungsoo finally moving. Jongdae bites his lips to swallow back his laugh, and Chanyeol pulls his hand away, grinning.

“No, but-- Baby, no-- It was before we got together!”

“What did I say about pet names, Byun Baekhyun? Now don't stand there like a fucking idiot and start running for your life, you dumbass.”

Jongdae hears some ruffling on the other side of the door, and a sharp bump. Baekhyun moans, curses and he finally bolts. From what Jongdae can hear through the door, Kyungsoo is already thrown at full speed behind him, his wrath ready to hit boyfriend with full power. Baekhyun wails somewhere in the kitchen, and something crashes against the floor.

“Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” Baekhyun exclaims.

Chanyeol chuckles, and what Jongdae can only picture as the fight of the century lasts for one more minute in the appartment, until one of them slams the front door and the silence comes back. Chanyeol gets off the bed and tiptoes to the door. He presses his ear against the wood and closes one of his eyes as he focuses on possible sounds on the other side. Jongdae's eyes wander on the curves of Chanyeol's body, from his long long bowlegs to the muscles of his neck standing out against the collar of his shirt. He's so fucked.

“I think they're both gone?” Chanyeol finally says.

Jongdae finally lets out the bubbly laugh he felt building up in his stomach.

“Oh god,” he says between two loud peals of laughter. “I love you so much.”

Chanyeol leans against the door, both his hands stuck between the small of his back and the wood.

“I love you too,” he says with a soft smile.

Jongdae's laugh dies in his throat when he realises there's something in Chanyeol's eyes that doesn't exactly match the moment. They're fondly watching Jongdae, pourring sweetness and care all over Chanyeol's face and pulling up at the corner of his lips in the softest way. Jongdae squirms uncomfortably on the bed, trying to get rid of the flashes abusing his mind, but Chanyeol's heavy gaze on him doesn't really help.

“You know I wasn't saying it like that,” he blabbers, and Chanyeol nods. “It's just that... we're best friends.”

“Of course we are.”

Jongdae flashes Chanyeol a faint smile as the latter steps away from the door. He looks as uncomfortable as Jongdae is when he walks back to the bed and finally sits at the end of it even though they're in his bedroom, and it kind of pains Jongdae to know that it's his own presence that makes Chanyeol so wary. Close to twenty four years of friendship, and this had never happened before.

Jongdae sighs.

“What makes you so sure it could work?” he asks in a whisper.

Chanyeol throws him a surprised look, so genuinely stunned that it catches Jongdae off-guard.

“What makes you think it can't work?” Chanyeol retorts with the shadow of a smile.

Jongdae shrugs.

“I don't know,” he answers. “Maybe this is just a fling.”

Chanyeol snorts and Jongdae throws him a surprised look.

“Sure,” Chanyeol says. “Just a fling.”

Chanyeol snorts a second time.

“I was only drunk for the first party you know, because I couldn't remember any details the day after, like what I said or did to have you kissing me all night long. I stopped drinking just to make sure I wouldn't miss anything, and I didn't, Jongdae. I remember everything and I can't stop thinking about your mouth, or your tongue, or your hands, or the little noises you make, or your skin, or your eyes, or--”

“Okay, okay, I get it!”

Chanyeol flashes him a faint smile. “We know almost everything about each other, and the things I didn't know until four months ago, I've grown to really, really like them.” He shrugs. “We could be great at this. Awesome. So much better than Kyungsoo and Baekhyun.”

Jongdae chuckles, and Chanyeol beams at him, satisfied. Jongdae does know a lot about Chanyeol, things he usually finds out about his boyfriends only several weeks in the relationship, like what Chanyeol looks like when he gets up (freaking bed hair), his love for cats despite his severe allergies, the movies he only watches on sick days or his obsession for anyting Rilakkuma related. He knows how to react when Chanyeol is sad, knows how to read between the lines, what to do to make Chanyeol laugh, what his favorite food is and what kind of gift he'd like for his birthdays. They're so used to live together, and everything is so comfortable and easy, even when Chanyeol barges into the bathroom to brush his teeth while Jongdae is showering, and it's actually something Jongdae has dreamed to reach with a lot of his past boyfriends. Chanyeol is right, they could be great at this couple thing because they're kind of a couple already, minus the extra fun parts.

He smiles softly at Chanyeol, takes in the expectation in his friend's eyes and the numerous glances he throws at his own lips.

“Okay,” Jongdae gives in. “You should kiss me, now.”

Chanyeol's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He turns around to face Jongdae, one leg still hanging off the bed and the other crossed on the mattress between them.

“Really?” he asks in disbelief. “I can do that?”

Jongdae rolls his eyes, and Chanyeol chuckles. He puts his palms against the mattress for balance as he leans in to press his lips against Jongdae's. It's a soft kiss, but Jongdae's fingers still tighten on the stuffed Rilakkuma he's holding. It's their first kiss without Jongdae being drunk, without any loud music to drown the erratic beating of his heart, and the sweet pressure of Chanyeol's lips against his does feel different. It feels so much better without the bitter taste, the haste and the underlying knowledge that he'll sober up and regret everything about it the day after. It's a simple peck, followed by a few kisses along the curve of his upper lip, but Jongdae already feels the little thrills it shoots through his whole body. He whines softly at the loss when Chanyeol breaks the kiss, and tries to blink the haziness already creeping in hs mind. Chanyeol is now on all fours on the bed, watching Jongdae with dark eyes hooded beneath heavy lids.

“It was, like. A really good kiss.”

Jongdae nods, eyes following the tip of Chanyeol's tongue as the latter slowly wets his lips.

“I'm going to kiss you again.”

Chanyeol lifts one of his hands and curls it on Jongdae's neck as he leans in again. He doesn't only press his lips against Jongdae's this time, but goes from kisses to softly nibbing at them until it draws out a soft whimper from Jongdae. He slides his tongue between Jongdae's lips, and the sensation spreads all over his body in never-ending waves of heat. He reaches to bury his fingers in Chanyeol's hair, curling them in the ash-colored locks and shudders when the soft pressure has Chanyeol deepening the kiss. There's some ruffling on the bed as Chanyeol gets closer and the next thing Jongdae knows, strong hands are grabbing his hips to slide him down the bed.

Jongdae's used to Chanyeol lanky appearance and clumsy demeanour, but Chanyeol's body feels really different now that he is crawling on top of him. Witnessing Chanyeol during his multiple relationships, and watching him pander his boyfriends and girlfriends' every whim totally didn't prepare Jongdae for the low sounds coming out of Chanyeol's mouth right now, or the strong pressure of his palm against his jawline while Chanyeol tilts Jongdae's head at the right angle to lick into his mouth. Chanyeol's body feels even taller under Jongdae's palms, and his presence is overwhelming. It's an unsuspected reversal of their roles, Jongdae usually taking the lead with his bitting remarks and terrible prank ideas and Chanyeol following happily like a hyper puppy, but Jongdae can't really complain, not with the way Chanyeol's abdomen muscles press against his. He hands over the control of the kiss without putting up a fight and Chanyeol gladly seizes it. His hand flies over to Jongade's and he presses it against the mattress, fingers intertwined while Jongdae lets out a shaky moan.

“I could make out with you all day long,” Chanyeol whipsers in his ear, low and deep. “Hell, I am going to.”

Jongdae doesn't protest, far from it, his whole body arching off the mattress to feel the vibrations of Chanyeol's deep intonations, but then Chanyeol leans down to kiss him, and they both moan in unison. Chanyeol watches him with wide eyes, dominance replaced by surprise and something even darker that has Jongdae bitting back a faint whimper. He keeps his eyes glued to Chanyeol's as he runs his fingers down Chanyeol's spine until his hand finally nests in the small of his back. He breathes in and forces Chanyeol down. The friction sends a burning wave of arousal through his body, and they both gasp.

“Or,” Jongdae breathes out. “We could do more.”

Chanyeol nods vigorously. “We totally should do more.”

Jongdae smiles and slowly wraps a leg around Chanyeol's waist, body shaking with anticipation and want. Chanyeol is as hard as he is, and the obvious tent in the front of his pants is more than enough to make Jongdae forget all about his past hesitations. Or at least, it is for a few moments, until he realises Chanyeol is still not moving, blown-out pupils looking down at him.

“Chanyeol? You okay? We don't have to, you know. I mean--”

Chanyeol shakes his head and brings Jongdae's hand to his face to kiss his knuckles.

“No, no. We're so going to do more. Like, right now. Right fucking now. So much more.”

Jongdae nods, but Chanyeol still doesn't move. He makes a face at him, eyebrows knitted together, and Jongdae freezes.

“Wait, you're nervous?”

There's a faint blush coloring Chanyeol's cheeks, and Jongdae can't help but notice how well it matches with the pink glistenning on Chanyeol's lips. He's getting really tired of the paradox that is Park Chanyeol, and the confusion that comes with his intense back and forth between cuteness and breathtaking hotness.

“I kind of am, yeah,” Chanyeol admits. “I'm about to have sex with you.” He bites his lips and slowly deflates. “Please, humor me if it's really bad, okay?”

Jongdae lets out a sound half between a laugh and a snort, and grabs Chanyeol's collar to put him down. He kisses him on the corner of his lips and runs the tip of his tongue across the soft bump of Chanyeol's lower lip.

“You're a boner killer. Now, stop being so fucking dumb and do me before Baek and Soo come back.”

Jongdae goes straight for Chanyeol's crotch this time, because he's hot and bothered, and painfully hard in those damn skinny jeans, but mostly because it's been four months. Four months of waking up in the morning with Chanyeol's name still ringing through his mind, and jerking off in the shower to the image of Chanyeol's calloused fingers stroking him. He's already feeling on the edge just from all the wet dreams he's had those past four months, so he's done wondering and asking questions. Palming Chanyeol's erection through the fabric of his jeans doesn't wrong at all, so Jongdae just gives in to the throb he feels in his pants in response.

He reverses their positions and straddles Chanyeol, who lets out a surprised ooomf when his back hits the mattress. His fingers dig into the flesh of Jongdae's thighs through the fabric and he spills the most obscene moans in Jongdae's mouth when the latter leans down to kiss him.

They don't fight for dominance like they did when alcohol was burning on Jongdae's tongue and denial made the lust heavier and angrier. No, this time Jongdae raises his arms above his head when Chanyeol tugs his shirt upward and Chanyeol lets him suck bruises on his collarbones, fingers tattooing red crescents on Jongdae's shoulderblades. Jongdae can't quite remember why he didn't give in earlier because Chanyeol's body feels divine under his palms. He's so tall and lean, and when Jongdae grinds down, Chanyeol twitches with need, which makes his muscles roll under his skin, under Jongdae's fingertips. He takes Chanyeol's shirt off and runs his tongue across Chanyeol's ribs to finally lick the sensitive skin around his nipples. He's the one towering Chanyeol, but it actually feels like the opposite with the way Chanyeol keeps him pressed against him, long limbs locked around Jongdae. Jongdae feels so tiny, crushed by Chanyeol's sudden movements, and he's so fucking aroused.

Chanyeol lets go of him only to reach for Jongdae's pants. He wastes no time with foreplays, and unbuttons it right away while Jongdae peppers feverish kisses along his jawline. Chanyeol slides his fingers past Jongdae's waistband, and Jongdae mewls at the more than welcomed pressure on his dick, only to groan in frustration the second after, when Chanyeol pulls away. Strong hands close on his hips, dig into his flesh and the next thing Jongdae knows, his back hits the mattress and he's being towered by a very flushed Chanyeol. Oxygen becomes optional when Chanyeol spreads his pants further apart and takes his dick out of his underwear. Jongdae bites his lower lip until he draws blood while Chanyeol smears the precome all over his cock with lingering fingers. He watches Jongdae from where he's situated between his knees with dark eyes, and his tongue darts out in focus when he palms Jongdae's balls. It's so obscene, so disturbingly hot, and it totally burns Jongdae right on the spot. He moans loudly when Chanyeol wraps his fingers around his dick and his back arches off the mattress at the very first stroke.

Chanyeol's not the first one to give him a handjob, but there's something about his fingers that draws Jongdae closer to the edge with every stroke. They feel very different on his cock, pressing and hot, and it's driving him crazy. He curls his hands in the sheets when Chanyeol wraps his around the base of Jongdae's dick and slides his thumb over the slit. Jongdae bucks his hips up with a drawn-out whine that leaves him breathless and lightheaded. Chanyeol finally lets go, not without a last dark and carnal look at Jongdae's dick, and procedes to strip Jongdae off his pants and underwear. Jongdae grabs his hand, blunt nails scrapping against the tender skin of Chanyeol's wrist.

“Take it off,” Jongdae rasps, demanding. “All of it.”

Chanyeol doesn't need to be asked twice. He peels off his clothes and crawls back on top of Jongdae. They moan in unison when their hips rut together, and Chanyeol kisses him hard, hands braced on either side of Jongdae's head. They move together, the burning slide of their bodies made easier by the sweat. Chanyeol feels so good on top of him, all soft and warm skin, and prominent muscles tensing against him that Jongdae feels like falling deeper and deeper. He grips Chanyeol's neck and breaks away from the kiss only to meet Chanyeol's blown-out pupils. Jongdae takes in the flush, the wetness and the tiny droplets of sweat in Chanyeol's messy bangs with a shudder. Everything about this feels so right, like it's only how it was supposed to be, but if anything, it only makes him want even more.

“Lube,” Jongdae breathes out.

Chanyeol kisses him hard, all desperation and pure lust and breaks away from the kiss before Jongdae can even kiss him back. He resolves to only nipping Chanyeol's biceps when the latter reaches out for his nightstand, and the low chuckle that comes out of Chanyeol's mouth as he rummages through the drawer explodes in his belly in a devastating mix of love and affection. He watches Chanyeol, mouth slightly agape, as the latter situates himself against his side, his cock pressing against his hip, and brings him down for another kiss.

It's a slow one this time, kind of sloppy, but it still tightens the tension in Jongdae's abdomen. It feels like burning needles all over his body, blood turned into lava and guts made of magma, but it's nowhere near enough, so when he hears Chanyeol squeeze the bottle of lube, he spreads his legs wider, impatient. He curls his hand on Chanyeol's nape, and the first finger enters him as Chanyeol sucks on his tongue. Jongdae winces slightly at the burn, and Chanyeol stops to give him time to adjust.

“Is it okay?” he whispers low and deep into his ear, and Jongdae nods with a faint moan.

Chanyeol kisses his temple and nuzzles into Jongdgae's hair as he slowly starts moving his finger. Jongdae breathes out, long and slow, and closes his eyes while Chanyeol pumps a little more quickly.

“You're doing great,” Chanyeol says between hot kisses behind Jongdae's ear. “You're so beautiful.”

Now that Jongdae thinks about it, Chanyeol's voice has always been hot as hell, but it's a thing to listen to it while Chanyeol strums random chords on his guitar, and another to feel it whispered right into his ear and to feel it vibrate against his arm. He shudders at Chanyeol's ministrations, at the softness in his words despite the lust laced in his voice and tightens his hold on Chanyeol's neck.

“Another,” he urges him.

Chanyeol presses his forehead against Jongdae's temple as he pushes another digit in. It always feels so uncomfortable, but Jongdae still grinds down, meeting Chanyeol's fingers halfway. The pressure in his stomach dies out a little, not enough though to stop him from whining softly as Chanyeol leaves a burning trail of kisses down his neckline. He tilts his head on the side to offer him a better access to his neck and whimpers when Chanyeol starts to suck on his skin. His hips are moving on their own now, and the tension is back in his abdomen, even stronger than before, building up the tightest knot in his stomach.

“Chanyeol,” he gasps when Chanyeol pokes around in his ass. “Give me the-- Fuck, give me the lube.”

Chanyeol throws him a confused look but obeys nonetheless. Jongdae has to wait for the sudden wave of pleasure to leave his body before he can squeeze the bottle, but it leaves him breathless with his toes curling on the mattress. He shifts slightly, just enough so that he can reach Chanyeol's cock and slick it up. Chanyeol moans in his ear and it has Jongdae threwing his head back with white already staining the edge of his vision.

“Now, Chanyeol. Please.”

Chanyeol's hands are back on his body, and Jongdae lets them manhandle him with anticipation. He looks up and takes in the sight of Chanyeol lining himself with his entrance. He locks his legs around Chanyeol's waist, and pushes him down with his heels pressed against the small of his back. Chanyeol lets his upper half drop, and his eyes lock with Jongdae as he slowly pushes in. And then it's all tension and want, lust and fragile control over the roaring fire between them as Chanyeol bites his tongue, trying hard not to give in to the throbbing of his cock. Jongdae watches him with wide eyes, but not even the burn is enough to overshadow the fact that Chanyeol feels amazing. He feels huge. Hell, he is huge.

Chanyeol lifts one of his hands, the other still pressed against the mattress next to Jongdae's face, and softly caresses Jongdae's side, comforting. Chanyeol's breathing is erratic, and Jongdae can see, from the pulsating vein on his temple, how much it costs him to stay put, and it sets his skin ablaze. He curls a hand around Chanyeol's neck and pulls him down. He presses a kiss on Chanyeol's furrowed eyebrows and starts moving slowly, hips rocking back and forth.

It's slow and languid at first, with Chanyeol's fingers running everywhere they can on his torso, teasing his nipple and pressing against the corner of his lips, until it's not enough anymore for both of them. Chanyeol thrusts in harder and Jongdae moans louder, and everything gets hotter and hotter. Jongdae is burning alive, his skin turning to ashes with every strike of pleasure and he feels like falling, as if the gravity couldn't be applied to him anymore. He keens when Chanyeol adjusts his angle and Chanyeol groans in echo before crushing their lips together. He's undulating under Jongdae's palms, quick movements that start on his shoulder blades and ends on his hips, and it may be the hottest thing Jongdae has ever seen. He tightens his legs around Chanyeol's waist and digs into his back with his fingernails.

Chanyeol grabs one of his hand and intertwines their fingers before pressing them against the mattress for balance. He leans down to put his forehead against Jongdae's, hot breath crashing against Jongdae's lips, and wide eyes staring straight into Jongdae's. It feels like something is licking Jongdae's optical nerves with a tongue made of fire, piercing his vision with burning white needles and finally toasting his whole brain with jerky spasms. He bits his lips and welcomes the ferrous taste in his mouth with a faint shudder. Chanyeol licks the tiny wound, his tongue hot and wet, and forces all of his shaky and raw sounds down Jongdae's throat. He feels like a supernova, he's going to implode, crack and break all at once, swallowed whole by Chanyeol's loving lips.

“Chanyeol, I'm going to--”

He hisses when Chanyeol sucks on his earlobe.

“It's okay,” Chanyeol moans in his ear. “You can come, baby. Come for me now.”

Chanyeol smacks his hips forward as he presses his body against Jongdae's, and the friction between them feels so good on Jongdae's cock, so overwhelming. It's the rush of details that finishes him off, it throws him over the edge when he realises that Chanyeol is moaning all over his ear, when he feels his hold on his fingers and finally hears how loud they are, from their whimpers to the sound of Chanyeol's hips slapping against his ass. Jongdae gasps for air, but all of his moans get stuck in the back of his throat, and he breaks just like that, coming all over their stomach in spattering white ropes. His whole body tenses and Chanyeol groans at the sensation of his walls clenching around him. Jongdae bites his lips, closes his eyes, and the world implodes for the second time.

Chanyeol collapses on top of him, solid body squeezing Jongdae against the bed but the pressure feels wonderful. It's all skin against skin, soft on their stomachs and hard on their hips, burning and wet, not to mention sticky, but Jongdae is everything except disgusted. He curls his hand in Chanyeol's hair with a drawn-out sigh that comes out strained and hoarse. His throat condition always suffers during sex, but this time... He will talk funny for days.

“Fuck,” Chanyeol mouths against Jongdae's neck.

Jongdae smiles as Chanyeol straightens, hands braced on either side of his head. Fresh air rushes into the crack between their bodies, and Jongdae shivers.

“Fuck,” Chanyeol repeats. He caresses softly Jongdae's chest, chasing the goosebumps on his collarbones.

“Yeah?” Jongdae asks, and Chanyeol nods vigorously.

“There's no way Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are better at this than us, seriously. It was amazing. Hell, we were glorious.”

Jongdae laughs, but it feels kind of nice to find his marks again. He's just had sex with Chanyeol, who is one of his childhood friends, but the world didn't stop turning, and Chanyeol... remains Chanyeol. (Jongdae will never admit it, but he's kind of grateful for that.)

“I can't believe I get the hot guy, and the mind-blowing sex,” Chanyeol mumbles, amazed.

“Okay, okay, I heard you. Now, shut up and cuddle with me, dumbass.”

Chanyeol pouts but concedes anyway. He buries his face into the crook of Jongdae's neck and holds him tight against him while Jongdae just tries really hard not to purr at the feeling. He mentally kicks his past self for all the time he told Chanyeol he was too tall and presses a fond kiss on Chanyeol's temple.

“But really,” Chanyeol mumbles a few minutes later, his breath ticklish against Jongdae's skin. “It was good for you too, right?”

Jongdae chuckles.

“Oh hell yeah!” he guffaws. “I can't wait to tell the evil midgets how fucking better we are at this.”

rating: nc-17, pairing: chen/chanyeol, length: oneshot, fic: exo

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