how do you do that shit?

Feb 18, 2011 21:42

Ughhh, how long has it been since I wrote here? A while...not that long? Who knows. I have forgotten pretty much everything right at after it happens for the past few weeks. My brain.

What's new? Well, let's see. Work blows. BIGTIME. Sooo busy. It is like just a super shitty way to spend 8 hours a day.
I finally got my car legal! Wooohoo. Fucking finally. Now I just need to get my Oregon license. I kind of don't want to though. Not that I am thrilled to still be linked to the shithole that is Arizona, but for some reason I just can't cut the cord. It is like when you have a crazy boyfriend/girlfriend and you just can't leave them because some of that crazy shit is funny. Plus, it is good until 2041 sooo why would I get another one?

We are going to Seattle for the weekend and I am jazzed beyond words. I haven't gone away anywhere in, going home to AZ to deal with family does NOT count as a vacation. Yes, it is only 3 hours away, and we are only going for 2 days but it is another city and a stay in a hotel and I am happy about that. Plus, 3 full days not at work, yes please.

Oh guess what? We are being dicked around on our state tax return again this year! Yay. Fuck these guys. If you don't want to give people a credit or if you feel the need to make them prove every bit of information (totally legit shit, btw we are not defrauding the state)  then don't fucking offer it. Jesus, that fucking simple. Bruce called them and some dumbass guy was like it is totally normal for your return to take 11 months. WTF? No.

I feel like I cannot shake this stupid sinus infection I have had for weeks and it is pissing me off. Last year I was sick until JUNE, fucking 6 months, people. I feel like the same thing is happening now and it is really annoying. I am thinking of going to an ear, nose, and throat specialist to see if I have jacked my nose up with too many drugs or something. Just go away please. Oh, and the winter can go with you...thanks.

So ready for spring. I need warmer weather. I NEEEEED it.

Bruce has one month of work before he is laid off. I am nervous but also glad that he will be home with Max. I am glad I will have a job to go to even if it killing me right now. I cannot imagine being a stay at home parent. I am so not built for it.

I started this last night so I am just going to post it without really finishing. Not like it was going anywhere anyway.
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