Aug 14, 2010 10:29
I have sucked at keeping this thing updated with interesting tidbits. Sorry. One thing that kind of bugs me about LJ is that I have never been able to get pics to post properly here. I try using Flickr or Photobucket but they always wind up I take a lot of pics and I would like to share them but I feel like it is more work than it is worth. I am probably missing something, though. If a 14 year old can do it, why can't I?!? Anyway, what do you guys use? Do you change the size of the pic? Mine always wind up looking fuzzy or pixelated. Updates are more interesting with pictures!
I have often thought about scrapping this journal but I really like LJ and I am hoping it has a comeback tour soon. I have facebook and all but I don't care much for the "twitter like" updates. No one really "blogs" there. I really enjoy reading about people's lives and daily activities and I like the fact that you can filter friends so it frees you up to say what you want to say. I am friends with the Grandmothers on FB...there is no way in Hell I am gonna be honest about what I am really up to while updating my feed. HA! It all feels so generic and whitewashed. Plus, I have had this journal since I was like 20 years old. Almost 10 YEARS. I like to go back and read old posts from time to time. So much has changed. I need to keep it for posterity as much as I need it for entertainment value. I have to admit, I stalk more than I update but that is mainly because I figure other people are more interesting than I who cares? These days I am really reading more and more communities that personal journals because a lot of the people I used to see on here have dropped off the planet. What is so wrong with LJ? I don't get the mass exodus?
What I have been up to bullet point style:
- GARDENING: We are reaching zucchini saturation 'round these parts. We have so many I have three sitting in the fridge waiting to become bread right now. I sent 4 home with friends yesterday. We have three kinds of squash (spaghetti, crookneck and butternut) on the horizon. The potatoes still have time and the corn is doing really well too. For my first garden ever I think it has been a huge success. It has been awesome fun and I have learned a lot that I can use to make an even better garden next year.
-GOING OUT: I have been out past bed time more this month than ever since Max was born. He is getting older now (he will be 2 in 3 months!) and I feel ok just letting him hang with Dad while I do my thang. Plus, I really need to just feel like a normal human being from time to time. I LOVE having him, I would rather spend my time with him than do pretty much anything else but it is nice to have grown up time too. I've been seeing movies when they come out rather than seeing them 5 months after everyone else. I have been semi-drunk at least 3-4 times (I really have no interested in drinking myself into oblivion anymore, I will leave that to the 21 years olds, thanks) and I have been to a few new places that I have never tried before. A friend took me to a martini place called Olive or Twist and I had a martini with habanero peppers and it was amazing.
-BUSY WEEKENDS: Super busy weekends lately. Taking the Kid to the State Fair at the end of the month and I am SO STOKED about it. I cannot wait. He is going to love it. We've been going to the Sat market, farmer's market, park...or just playing in the backyard. This weekend I am visiting a friend who just had a baby girl, I can't wait to hold a teeny newborn again. It has been fun and I am hoping we have a long summer seeing as how it was cool and rainy well into June this year. I feel like summer just started.
I guess that is kind of it. I have just been working and living and whatnot. Nothing majorly huge has happened. I am thinking of taking a vacation to AZ soon cause I am missing the hell out of my family. Okay, back to work.