Bullet points

Feb 05, 2006 02:18

Isn't it odd that so much time can pass with updating and yet in just a few minutes i can fill everyone in about everything in life in a few bullet points. I guess it's because no one cares to hear about the small details of the everyday and those that would care most likely experience them with you. I've been rather introspective the past week, meaning to update this thing and share my thoughts. I'm not sure what's different about tonight. Maybe the silence of the late hour, maybe the fact that nothing else is occupying my mind, maybe my choice of music that always makes me think, or maybe it's the rum that is still working it's way through me. Whatever the cause the bullet points of my life follow.

~I've finally figured out just why i like creative writing so much. It's not story telling, though i do enjoy that, it's not sharing messages or values to the readers, it's the fact that I can go back and change it. I can write a conversation or a series of events and after thinking about it I can go back and change them. Make the outcome different, make something come across differently. Why can't life be like this?

~There is only one song that no matter what i'm doing can stop me in my tracks. No matter how many times i hear it, it gives me goose bumps. The song is "Konstantine" by Something Corporate. If you haven't heard it I highly suggest you take the time to listen to it. Every time I hear it I think i've figured it out and every time I come to a different conclusion depending on my mood. When I saw them in concert last year, this song was the oddest concert experience I've ever had. Without any prompting from the band the entire audience fell silent after the first 10 notes or so and remained silent except for some wispered singing for the entire 9:35.

~I love Hilary Duff movies. they are always corny love stories that I can't help but enjoy. Call it my guilty pleasure as far as movies go.

~I would love to be trapped at this point of my life. I'm currently in a state of limbo and i'm happy. I'm terrified of moving forward and making a choice that will screw up the rest of my life. The logical side of me knows this is very unlikley, but it's not my logical side that's been dominating my inner dialog lately. I really truly am happy in every aspect of my life right now and I feel like I'm just waiting for something to go to hell and pop this happy bubble i'm living in at the moment.

~I'm starting to get a little homesick. I don't mean like I want to move back home kind of homesick but it's been a while since I've been home and I feel like I'm missing things I shouldn't. For example Jake's 6th birthday party, it was the first one he's had kids outside of his family there I'm i would have liked to have been there to share it with him. That kid is growing up so damn fast. I guess I miss home so much because I don't know when the next time i'll be able to go home is. I don't want to ask for any time off until I find out if the Sweet onion is closing or not cause I need the money and I work mainly on the weekends. Sometime early next month for sure I'll be able to get back to woodhaven for a day or two. By then the Sweet Onion will either be closed or moving to a new location.

~Good Night
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