So I'm not actually dead, just...been away for a while. I graduated from college, had a short vacation in Palouse Falls, moved in with my boyfriend, and have been looking for a job for a week and a half. I've realized that I'm a really lousy friend, having abandoned
kalalanekent for two weeks, not reading or commenting with
raurey (my personal journal), and being randomly defriended by a couple of people. Not to mention kind of losing interest in fandom, specifically Legend of the Seeker, and all the various challenge comms I've signed up for in the past while.
Anyway. Feeling kinda depressed and down about all this. But I've started reading fic again, for the Superman Movieverse Awards, and
kalalanekent cheered me up last night enough for me to make a manip:
Hope you guys like the manip & I just wanted to post to say what's been going on, if anyone happens to still read this.