kalalanekent wants me to post more, so here I am. *ducks a thwacking* :D
Pretty much all I have to post about other than school-related stuff (got a fantastic grade on my first grad school test, woohoo! far better than I expected) is knitting, and how awesome Smallville is this season. It is very awesome. And I've got Fiance watching it with me, and he's enjoying it as well, so yay for that too.
In knitting news... um, I'm now addicted to knitting. :P I've got a gazillion projects on the needles and I can't share photos of all of them (yet...) but here are some.
Fiance's birthday socks (the ones that got me addicted to sock knitting, specifically. Oh god, socks are so much fun it's crazy.)
Father-in-law's Christmas socks (I've got yarn for mother-in-law's as well, but she's far easier to shop for so her socks are secondary, just in case):
That's my mom's stone owl in the background, which I recently inherited. Love that thing. :D
Mother-in-law's sock yarn:
Wedding shawl, which I've got about two inches and nearly 200 stitches per row of so far:
Looks like I'm only going to need one of those three skeins. And I used the swift on two, so I can't return the extra one of those two. *sigh* Maybe I'll just make it twice as big?
And that's about all I can show you so far. Expect another yarnporn picspam once I've sent a few birthday presents out. :D
In less of a yarnporn tone, I was thinking recently about knitting and how grateful I am to be able to do it. It's enormously fun to be able to make things, the process itself is incredibly relaxing and fun (and yarn feels awesome when you squish it), and it makes good presents. And is good for networking, because there are a ton of knitters in my program, which I'm very happy about. Anyway, I was teaching my niece a few weeks ago and was actually impressed with what she came up with, for a six-year-old. I know I sound like an annoying broken record, but seriously, anyone can learn to knit; once you remember the few steps required for basic knitting, it's about as hard as tying your shoe (requires a bit of coordination but is eventually really easy). Anyway...what was my point? I guess just that I'm really glad to have this hobby. In addition to being fun, it's pretty much the only thing keeping me from going insane this term from overwork.
And on yet another knitting-related note, as always, I am very happy to take commissions for handknit items (socks, hat, scarf, mittens/gloves/fingerless, toys, whatever). If you're interested, let me know! They make great presents for yourself or loved ones. :D