comm notice

Apr 28, 2010 20:00

As you've all probably noticed, we've been kind of inactive lately, so harknessgirl and I have agreed that we're closing down the comm.

First off, don't panic! We're closing down this comm. redisourcolor is where it's all at now, guys. Under the cut are the rules, which you should be sure to read, as there are a few big changes, copied from the comm profile. Membership is open, so everyone can head on over and join without having to wait to be approved.

Welcome to redisourcolor , formerly known as jantoseasonal. This comm remains, essentially, the same, but with a few changes.

Here's the idea: every Sunday, a mod will post a challenge that will have an overall theme, a sentence that you must incorporate into your fic, and a three words that you must also fit in somehow.

You write your fic, and post it in the comm, with a header (below). On Thursday, the deadline for fics, a mod will go through and make a post with the links to the fics. You will go through and pick three fics that you like, then go to the voting post, and select the names of the fics from the list. On Sunday, winners will be posted, and the new challenge will go up. After an author has won 1st place three times, they will receive a banner.

The header you should use to post should look something like this:


The first three are mandatory, but the other two can be dropped, if you want. If your fic is a heavy R, a warning as to why it is would be nice, though.

There are a few ground rules, fairly basic, and if you remember them, we'll all be happy Jack/Ianto shippers:

-No ratings above a heavy R (as in, no NC-17 fics or beyond)

-If your story is above the PG-13/Teen rating, then it should be locked to those 17 and under (you can do this when you post your fic) and a warning should be in the header of your fic.

-No bashing.

-Please use proper grammar/spelling when posting your completed fics. Beta readers aren't required, but would be nice.

-No off-topic posts.

Thanks for sticking with us, guys. As for everyone who's posted fic here, thank you very much for each and every one of your wonderful stories, we've appreciated all of them. The comm isn't going to be deleted, it'll stay as an archive. Authors, do what you will with your fic, post it wherever, the only thing I ask is that you note that it was written for one of our challenges.


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