(no subject)

May 03, 2007 22:08

Title: Baby Moon’s Gift - Chapter One
Author: Pet-5
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: 15 this chapter N-17 for later chapter(s)
Characters: Ianto, Jack, Tosh, Owen, Gwen, Ianto’s Family And Some OC’s And Surprise Guests.
Pairing: Ianto/Jack and Ianto/OMC
Summary: Baby Moon Changed Everything.
SPOILERS: All Of Torchwood

Warnings: Sex Change
Word Count: 4,504 Words
Disclaimer: Not mine, no money made…….
Beta’d: Beta’d by my best friend Jo.
Notes: Having fun in Hawaii, will be home in a few days……I hope to post the rest of this soon as it is with Jo getting look over right now……..I don’t think many people will like this, but is was any evil bunny that had to be written or it wouldn’t go away. Don’t like? Don’t comment…… I’m writing the third chapter of Secrets, Lies And The Truth right now so that will be posted soon as well…….Thank You....P.S. The time here is 11.10am.....

“Owen, put that down!” Ianto said, picking up the clipboard. Owen ignored Ianto, still playing with the round object.

The object was a small ball-like shape, pale in colour, white with a hint of blue. It looked like the moon. That was probably why they had called it “Baby moon”. Nothing was written about it, just it’s name and that no one was to play with it as it would change lives forever.

“What do you think it does?”

“I don’t know, but what I do know is that whatever it does is irreversible, so put it down and let me do my job, so I can go home.” Ianto said looking up from the clipboard with narrowed eyes.

“Well I don’t want to been here either. I want to be at a bar or at home not here with you at eleven at night. So be seeing ya.”

Owen walked over to the table and put the object down before walking out the door.

Moments after Owen walked out the moon like object started to glow, softly at first, before slowly growing brighter.

“What the?” Ianto called out before the light grew so bright that he had to squeeze his eyes shut and throw his arms up to protest his face but most of all his eyes.

As the light became brighter the temperature became unbearable.

‘Oh god, what’s happening?’ were his last thoughts as he screamed before passing out.


“What happened down there?”

“I don’t know. I was down there until he….he told me to get out, so I did.”

“Jack I looked at the CCTV footage in the archives and it’s true. Owen did leave when Ianto told him to, but it was “Baby moon” that he was playing with that emitted the light and heat that did this.”

“Well if it’s what I think it is, you better start running Owen, coz Ianto willhurt you and I wont lift a finger to help you.”

‘What’s going on? Why does everything hurt?’


Ianto started to say but stopped when he noticed that his voice sounded strange.

Sitting up sharply he also noted that his body not only hurt, but felt different. Putting his hands on his head he felt long hair that by the looks of it fell to his waist. From his hair to his face he felt sharper check bones, fuller lips and long eye lashes. Moving down not only did he notice that his Adam’s apple and penis was gone, but in place was two breast, a thin body, slim hips and long legs.

Turning to her left she looked at Jack, Tosh and Owen who had been watching her put two and two together and making four.

“Owen.” She whispered.

“Y…Yes, Ianto.” Owen stammered.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!” Ianto screamed as she swung her legs off the table, turning to look at all three face on.

“Ianto, calm down.” Tosh said moving closer.

“CALM DOWN! How do I calm down, Tosh?! He turned me into a woman! What I am I going to do? What about my family? ‘Sorry Mr and Mrs Jones but your son is now your daughter.’ NOT going to happen. And my flat, credit cards and all the important stuff like medical history. I’m stuck like this! Oh god Owen what have you done to me?!” Ianto finished off with a small whisper as she looked at the ground.

“I’m….I’m sorry, so so sorry Ianto.” Owen whispered back looking at the broken man, now broken woman on the table in front of him.

Jack walked slowly over to Ianto before slipping his arm under Ianto’s legs and around Ianto’s back before picking her and slowly walking out of the medical bay and up to his office, where he and Ianto sat on the sofa with the door closed.

“Shhhh, it’ll be ok, I promise. Shh, shh, please Ianto stop crying. Shhh.”

Jack whispered into Ianto’s now long hair.

“W..W..What….What am I going..going to do?” She sobbed into Jack shoulder.

“I’m stuck like this. What’s going to happen to me and my family and all my things, Jack?”

Jack gently pulled Ianto’s head back so he could look Ianto in the eyes.

“Ianto, we’ll sort everything out, ok? Tosh and Owen and I will look into the object and see what turns up, you just get some sleep and in the morning we’ll talk about your family and other things. Ok?”

Ianto looked straight into Jack’s eyes before nodding slowly and putting her head back on Jack’s shoulder.

Standing up Jack laid Ianto back on the sofa and covered her with the blanket off the back.

“Go to sleep.” He whispered, kissing Ianto on the forehead and walking out, the door and closing it again.

“Right people, we have until Gwen gets here tomorrow morning to prove that thing is NOT what I think it is or god help us all.”

“And what do you think it is, Jack?” Tosh asked as she put the object in the analyzer.

“I think it’s a ‘Little Moon’. Sort of like a sex change but without the hospital and all the mess. But that means Ianto is right and he is stuck a woman. FOREVER! So let’s pray I’m wrong.”

The Next Morning

“Hi Owen, Tosh, Jack….You lot look like you’ve been up all night.” Gwen said looking at the three of them, who where sitting at the conference room table.

“OH GOD!” Owen whispered looking at her, his voice wavering on the high notes.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen? Owen? Tosh? JACK?” Gwen called out.

“Well…you could say something happened?”

Gwen turned to look at the door way only to see a young woman.

“Who are you then?”

“I’m sorry, so so sorry.” Owen said getting up from his seat and walking past Gwen.

“Sorry’s not going to change me back, Owen.”

“I know, I know but I am really sorry, Ianto.”

“OWEN, have you been drinking?! That’s not Ianto. Ianto’s a man, that’s a woman.”

“No, Owen’s right, that’s Ianto. Something that had fallen through the rift fifty years ago changed him into a woman. A beautiful woman I may add.” Jack finished with a small smile at Ianto, who retuned for a minute before walking over to Jack and sat down next to him.

“So, what happens now?” She asked looking at Jack, who picked up Ianto’s hand and held it, to Tosh, who looked right back and shrugged, to Owen who slowly walked back to his seat and finally to Gwen, who seemed to be in shock.

“Gwen come and sit down.” Waiting for her to sit, Jack squeezed Ianto’s hand.

“Now, we have a few things to do, first Owen will give you a full medical to check that everything is ok, and when that’s happening Tosh will change all your papers and things like that so it say female instead of male, so that you can use the same credit cards and stuff. Ok?”

“What about my name?”

“You can keep it as ‘Ianto’ or you can change it if you like.”

“No, I’ll keep Ianto. Thanks.”

“Now about your family, you have one of two options. One -I go visit them and tell them that you died, or two -we retcon them.”

“I don’t think saying I’m dead is an option nor is retconing them.”

“Ianto, I know you love your family, that’s why I think you should retcon them, so you can talk to someone outside of here, someone who has a normal life.”

After a long pause Ianto whispered


“Right, Tosh you go get started with Ianto’s records, Owen and Ianto go to the medical bay and get Ianto looked over,” Jack paused as Tosh, Owen and Ianto moved towards the door, “Gwen, you can finish that report that I wanted last week.” Jack said getting up and following his team out the door and down to the ground level. Tosh went to her computer and Owen and Ianto when to the medical bay.

“Ianto come up here when you and Owen are done, ok.” Jack called over as he started up the stairs to his office.

“Yes, Jack.”

Two Hours Later

Ianto slowly walked to Jack’s office not looking at Owen, Tosh or Gwen. Opening the door and shutting it again she shuffled over to the sofa and sat down. Jack watched in silence before getting up and joining her.

“Tosh is done with everything, so all we need to do now is retcon your family, which you’ll have to make a list of and where they live…..How did it go with Owen?” He asked taking Ianto’s hand again.

“It’s ok. Good thing is I’m healthy, 22 year old woman. But he wants to check me out next month as well, just to make sure, and if I have any questions to come to him or talk to Tosh or Gwen.”

“Well that’s one less thing to worry about. Now you have the next month maybe two off, on pay leave…”

“What?! No!”

“Yes! Just so you can get used to your new body, don’t worry you can still come in during your time off, just not to work. I’ll even give you some money now so you can buy some new clothes.”

Ianto stared at the floor before looking at Jack and nodded, getting up and walking to the window to watch the other three team members.

“I don’t think I can live like this…and I don’t think I’ll ever be really happy like this.” She whispered softly.

Jack quickly got up and walked up behind her.

“Hey, don’t talk like that. Everything will be ok, maybe not right away but in the end it’ll all be fine.”

Turning around Ianto wrapped her arms around Jack, who in turn wrapped his arms around Ianto, bringing her closer.

“And you still have me, don’t forget and I ain’t going anywhere.” Jack whispered into Ianto’s ear.

After ten minutes of Ianto crying silently into Jack’s shoulder and Jack holding Ianto, Ianto pulled away, rubbing her red eyes.

“I think I’ll go home and maybe Tosh and I can go get me some clothes tomorrow before I go see my mam and dad.”

Looking Ianto up and down Jack walked to his desk and opened the top drawer and pulled out a roll of money. Walking back to Ianto, he put it in Ianto’s hand.

“There’s two thousand there, I want you to get clothes, see it, like it, get it, ok and I want you to get food too because I know that there isn’t a lot at the flat, got it?”

Looking at Jack with big blue eyes Ianto slowly nodded.

“I’ll drive you home after you make that list of names, then I’ll go and retcon them.”

“You’ll have a long night ahead of you then.” Ianto said, putting the money in the small plastic bag that was on the table, before sitting in Jack’s chair and starting the list of names.

Half an Hour Later

“I don’t think your family is that big, Ianto.” Jack said, knelling down and putting his head on Ianto’s lap.

“No it’s not, but my sister is getting married so that’s two sets of families and two sets of friends, and the groom has a big family. Sorry, but you’ll be glad to hear that I’m finished.” Ianto said putting her hand on top of Jack’s head.

Jack got up, pulling Ianto with him; he then picked up the list and his jacket before leading Ianto out the door, down the stairs and into the lift.

Together they walked out the back of Ianto’s office to where the SUV was kept, getting in, they set off to Ianto’s flat.

“So…which sister is getting married again?” Jack asked when they were just under half way there.

“Lowri. She’s getting married to a young man called Wynn Archer, I’ve only met him two times, but he seems nice.”

“Well only the best for the Jones’.” Jack said with a cheeky grin.

“That is yet to be seen, Captain Harkness.” Ianto joked back.

Pulling up in front of Ianto’s flat, Jack turned of the engine, turning towards Ianto.

“Right, you’ve got that money, I’ll tell Tosh to come by about eleven and maybe after you two have been shopping you’ll come by and give me a show.” Jack said leaning in with big puppy eyes.

Smiling, Ianto leaned in and kissed Jack on the lips before getting out of the SUV and walking up and through her door, leaving Jack staring into space.

Shaking himself out of staring at thin air, Jack started the engine before looking at the list for the time and realising that it was going to be along night.

Hours Later

Jack walked back into the hub, noticing that no one was there but him and Tosh, who looked like she was going home for the night.

Walking up to her, Jack put an arm around her shoulders and grinned at her.

“What do you want, Jack?” Tosh asked looking at her boss.

“Tosh, you hurt me, why does no one think that I can’t be nice without wanting something?” Jack asked looking at her with puppy eyes.

Tosh raised an eyebrow.

“OK. I want you to go to Ianto’s flat at eleven tomorrow morning and go clothes and food shopping before she goes and see’s her mam and dad. The best thing about going shopping with Ianto is that she has two thousand pounds and a rule from me, which is ‘see it, like it, buy it,’ and you don’t have to come in until Ianto want’s to……..So what do you say?”

“I say thank you and I would love to.”

“Right answer.” Jack said before pulling his arm off Tosh shoulder and walking over and up the stairs that led to his office as Tosh pulled on her jacket and walked to the lift.

Watching from the TV in his office Jack waited until Tosh was out of the hub before shutting it down for the night.

Ianto’s Apartment Block

After walking in the front door of the block of flats, Ianto walked up the flights of stairs until she was at the top. Walking along the corridor she pulled out the keys to her flat. As she was putting in the key her new neighbour -who she hadn’t meet yet so she didn’t have to worry about lying who she was- walked out of his flat.

“Who are you then?”

Turning to look at him she noticed that he was good looking -tall, skinny and looking at her with big brown eyes. He flashed her a cute smile, showing off his teeth. His hair was all over the place, but he sill look cool in his suit.

“I’m Ianto Jones, nice to meet you.” She said, turning around to face him.

“Isn’t Ianto a boy’s name? Not that I’m saying that it not a nice name coz it is.” The man babbled, looking worried that he might’ve offended her.

“Yes it’s a boy’s name and thank you.” Ianto was amused by the man.

“I’m James Brown by the way.”

Ianto held out her right as did James.

“Nice to meet you.” They said shaking hands.

“Maybe I’ll see you later.” James said, moving towards the stairs.


Waiting until James had started down the stairs, she turned her key. Walking in she shut the door and looked around.

The flat had a big sitting area with six doors leading off to the kitchen, three spare bedrooms, a bathroom and the master bedroom which had an en-suite bathroom.

Walking from the door to the bedroom, Ianto pulled off her coat, throwing it over the back of the sofa.

Once she was in her bedroom she walked up to the big mirror. She looked at her reflection as she started to pull of her clothes, well, not hers, they had belonged to someone who had worked at Torchwood Three, but no longer needed them for what ever reason…

Now that she was naked, she began to look and feel herself, not having had any real chance to do so back at the hub.

Her skin was a milky white all over her body and dark hair between her legs and under her arms. Her legs looked longer as well, which was odd as she was now shorter then she had been before and her breasts were -at a guess- a size C or D.

She didn’t like it.

She liked, even loved, women’s bodies and thought that they where rather beautiful, but she liked her old body more than this one.

Feeling her eyes fill up with tears she walked over to the bed, pulled down the covers and got in.

‘Why me? Why do bad things keep happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?’

That was her last thought as she fell asleep, the tear rolling down her cheek on to the pillow.

The next morning

At 9:35 Ianto woke up. After laying there for a few minutes she got out of bed. She picked out two towels and walked into her bathroom, putting her stuff down on the chair near the door she started the shower before walking over to the sink where she picked up her razor and shaving cream. Going back to the shower she stepped in, carrying the razor and cream carefully. After being in the shower for half an hour she stepped out again. Walking up to the chair, she picked up one towel and wrapped her hair up in it, wrapping the second towel around her body.

Walking back to her bedroom she started to dry herself. Once she was finished she picked up her dressing gown, wrapping it around herself as she walked into the sitting area then on into the kitchen. Looking at the clock on the wall she noted that she had about an hour until Tosh arrived, so she looked in the cupboards for something to eat, but like Jack said, there wasn’t much. Putting some bread in the toaster she pulled the butter out of the fridge and a plate from the rack.

After buttering her toast she sat on the sofa to eat it.

‘I hope everything went ok with Jack. Everyone’s been so stressed with Lowri’s wedding lately.’

Once she finished her toast she put the plate in the kitchen sink, leaving it for later. Returning to the bedroom she began peering in her closet to look for something she could wear to go shopping in.

She pulled out a pair of jeans that had previously been too small for her male form, not knowing exactly why she had kept them all this time. Probably having outgrown them, not even entertaining the thought that she might’ve put on weight. Pulling them on she discovered that they fitted perfectly -apart from being slightly too long in the legs, but she rolled them up a few times until they were just right.

Not feeling too fussy about a top, she simply picked a black one off the floor that’d she’d worn a few days ago…when she was still a bloke of course.

The only problem now was something for her feet. Searching at the very back of her closet she found a pair of old flip-flops, which had at one point in time belonged to Lisa.

Slipping them on she walked out of her room and sat on sofa. Sitting back on it she pulled out some paper and a pen towards her so she could write a list of thing she needed, wanted and would like to buy.

She’d only been sitting for twenty minutes when she heard the buzzer for someone asking to be let in. Getting up she walked to the phone and answered it.


“Hi Ianto, it’s Tosh. Can you let me up?”

“Sure. I’m at the very top, number ten. See you in a bit.”


Pushing the buzzer, Ianto opened the door so Tosh could let herself in before walking back to the sofa and sitting back down.

A few minutes later Tosh’s head peered around the door, she looked around.

“Oh, Hi.” She said, walking in and shutting the door behind her as she walked over to Ianto, sitting on the chair opposite her.

“Hi…….So what happens how?”

“Umm. Well…I…..Ummm.”

Looking at each other they burst out giggling.

“Look, let’s not be weird about this, ok?” Ianto said around her giggles.

“Yes…right…” Tosh replied, laughing still.

After chuckling for a few minutes more they stopped with tears running down they faces.

“Well, first we need to get all your measurements- height, legs, inside and outside, waist, underarms, chest, shoulders and cup size.”

“Well let’s get started.”

Getting up, Ianto went into her bedroom, Tosh following on behind.

Twenty or so minutes later Tosh and Ianto were getting into Tosh’s car. After a forty minute drive then another fifteen spent looking for somewhere to park, she and Tosh flit from shop to shop, trying things on and buying one or two things in each shop. Things like bras and knickers, jeans and skirts, top and shirts, jewellery and make-up, trainers and high heels, jackets and coats.

After spending almost a thousand ponds in three hours shopping, they decided to take a break and have some coffee from in a nearby Starbuck’s.

“How you feeling now?” Tosh asked, looking at Ianto who was watching the people passing by the window.

“I’m better, not 100%, but better.” She said with a smile in Tosh’s direction, then looking to the bags beside them.

“We’d better get some food for home, especially if I’m to be there for a month or two. After that we can go back to mine and put everything away, maybe I’ll put some of these on. Then can go back to the hub before I go and see my mam and dad. That ok with you?”

“Mmmm. You can show Gwen that gay men do make better women.” Tosh said with a straight face, only both of them burst into giggles.

When they got back to Ianto’s flat they put the food away first then all the other things they’d bought.

When Ianto was putting some proper clothes Tosh started to make tea for both of them, before they left for the hub.

She put on a white laceybra and matching panties, pulling on a black pencil skirt next with blue pin strips that came just above her knees. She slipped on a white button up shirt which she tucked into her skit. After brushing her hair Ianto then slipped on a pair of black leather high heels that gave her a little more height.

Walking out of the bedroom and into the kitchen Ianto stopped in the doorway.

Tosh looked up when she heard the soft click of high heels on wood stop.


“This ok then?” Ianto asked looking down at herself self-consciously.

“Ok…It’s more then ok, wear that and you’ll knock ‘em dead.”

Ianto looked up and smiled.

“Would it really make a difference? Jack would wake up, Owen deserves worse and Gwen? Well, I don’t really care about her much.”

They both sniggered and Ianto sat down beside Tosh who passed her the cup of tea.

Half an hour later Tosh and Ianto walked into the hub, seeing no-one around they climbed the stairs to the conference room, where they decided to wait for everyone to come back.

They’d only been sitting there a few minutes when they heard the cage door open and chattering voices.

Tosh stepped out first after telling Ianto to wait for a second.

“Lady and Gentlemen, it would be my great honor for me to introduce to you, Miss Ianto Jones.” Tosh called out to three other Torchwood members on the floor and to Ianto in the conference room.

She slowly walked out, stopping a few paces away from Tosh. Ianto lifted her right hand and waved;



“Ianto…..Wow… you look beautiful.” Jack whispered as he hurriedly climbed the steps and only stopping when he was in front of Ianto, who smiled as Jack pulled her into a big hug.

“You are so beautiful.” Jack whispered into Ianto’s ear, before slowly letting go of her.

“It’s 5.30, it takes me half an hour or so to get to my mam and dad’s so I better get going.”

“Well I got everyone on the list that you wrote.” Jack said, walking her onto the lift.

As they went up Jack took hold of her hand and raised it to his lips. Kissing it softly Jack pulled her into another hug.

“I might come by tonight. That is if it’s ok with you and the world doesn’t end.”

“I would love it if you came ‘round later.”

The lift come to a stop as Jack let go of her. Still holding her hand he walked her to the car which she’d left the night before.

Kissing Jack one more time on the lips, Ianto got in her car and pulled out of the garage.

Forty Minutes later

Pulling up in front of her parent’s house, Ianto killed the engine whilst still looking at the beautiful old house with fondness; memories came rushing back to her.

Like kissing Rick Thomson after being out all night with him at a party. Holding hands with Laura Evans as they walked through the big gardens.

Getting out of the car, she walked up to the door and pushed it open. It was never locked. Never. Looking down the corridor she called out;

“Hello! Anybody there?!”

“IANTO!” Came a call of three or four people.

“Ianto dear, we’re in the sitting room.” Ianto’s Aunt Aylwen called.

Walking down the corridor to the first door on the left, she saw that all the photos that had her in them as a man now had her in them as a woman, even the baby picture’s had gone from a boyish blue to a decidedly girly pink.

Pushing the door all the way open she saw that not only was her mam and aunt was present, but her sisters, Lowri and Mair were there too.

“Oh Ianto, love, where have you been?” Mair asked, moving so Ianto could sit next to her.

“Oh, here and there.”

“Well now that you’re here we can talk about your wedding to Wynn.”

‘WHAT!!!! No that’s not right, Lowri’s the one getting married not me. Lowir’s the oldest girl……..oh no……Dewydd is the oldest boy and is married to Liz. And Lowri was the oldest girl, so she should be getting married, but now I’m the oldest girl…….OH GOD……OH GOD…….I’M GOING TO KILL OWEN!!!’

With a weak smile Ianto nodded.

“Well everything is ready for Friday…..”

‘Oh god, that’s right the wedding is in two days……..I’m going to feed Owen to the weevils…’


challenge #3, fic, author: pet_5, fic: pg-15

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