Fic: Sleeping in his arms

May 02, 2007 15:50

Title: Sleeping in his arms.
Autor: bloff16
Rating: All
Summary: Jack makes Ianto sleep instead of handing out coffee.
Disclaimer: Not mine, BBCs.
A/Ns: This came to me last night and i just had to write it cause it wan't going away.

They had been in the Hub for 47 hours due to a ship refusing to leave their orbit. They were all taking turns to sleep, but the only ones not sleeping were Jack and Ianto, Jack because he didn’t sleep and Ianto because he was continuously providing the members of the team who were not sleeping with coffee, and the closest he got to sleep was closing his eyes for 10 minutes. That’s why Jack came up to the Welshman while Owen and Gwen were awake.

“Hey Ianto” Jack sighed.

“Hello sir, would you like a coffee?” Ianto asked, his tired face betraying his calm voice.

“No thanks, but I do want you to sleep.” Jack told him.

“I can’t sir, everyone needs coffee.”

“No Ianto, let them make it themselves, I want you to sleep even if I have to tie you to the bed.” Jack said, smiling at the younger man, who smiled back.

“Okay sir.” Ianto walked past his boss and went down to one of the rooms they kept for sleeping in, it wasn’t anything perfect, just a little room with a small bed in it. He lay down and closed his eyes, almost immediately he was asleep, yet it wasn’t a good dream and he woke up screaming, his watch told him he’d been asleep for half an hour.

When Jack saw Ianto head back up to the kitchen, he wondered if anyone could work on half an hour of sleep, but the way the Welshman was holding his head looked like he couldn’t, so he went over to Ianto and dragged him to the sofa outside his office. Jack sat down and pulled Ianto down with him, putting the younger mans head on his shoulder and telling him to go to sleep.

Ianto wanted to protest and say he was fine, but when Jack made him put his head on his shoulder, he couldn’t help but breath in the scent that was coming from his boss, it was so relaxing that it only took him a couple of minutes to fall into a sleep again. Yet the dream was the same as before and had him waking up.

Jack kept stroking Ianto’s hair as he was sleeping, the team knew about their relationship but Ianto didn’t like showing it in public for some reason. Jack felt Ianto stir and looked to see a scrunched up face and the Welshman suddenly waking up and looking at Jack. Jack kissed him and told him it was okay, and to go back to sleep.

Ianto couldn’t help smiling as he changed position, curling up on the sofa, and placing his head into Jacks lap, Jack shifted a bit so he could play with Ianto’s hair, Jack always did that, but now Ianto could hear a soft singing, it was making him sleepy, with Jacks scent and singing, it was amazing Ianto stayed awake for as long as he did. That time, Ianto didn’t have a nightmare, Jack had chased them away.

fic: g, fic, author: bloff16

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