Title: I Undo Your Fingers
Paring: Ianto/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sexual situations, swearings, MPREG-Please read the A/N Though!
Summary: There are alot of things Ianto doesn't know about Jack, but there are far more things Jack doesn't know about himself. When the events of his involvement with The Time Agency start to cause problems, truths that no one could have imagined start to appear and Jack and Ianto face the challenge of finding new level ground in thier changed relationship.
A/N: Well I know I shouldn't be starting another story but there you go. I'm a bad girl. I feel that it is important to point out, for all those of you that are squeaky about MPREG, that this is going to be a REALISTIC portrayal of the situation, well as realistic as you can get in the world of Torchwood nanfreak and I have worked together to make sure this doesn’t get too OOC so I hope you will give it a chance!
Link: Story is
here for your enjoyment