Title: Till the Moon Hath Taken Flight
Author: MoonFireFic
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Owen, Tosh, Rhys, Rhiannon
Rating: PG-13
Beta: None due to time constraints - mistakes are all mine on this one
Summary: There is a secret buried within the files of Torchwood that Ianto Jones must keep hidden, one that could change everything.
A/N: Written for the jantocam June challenge. First fic I have finished in months. Liberal sprinklings of Welsh and Celtic Folklore abound. Meant to have the last two parts up last night, but livejournal wasn't cooperating. References to Miracle Day in the last part, but it won't matter if you haven't seen it. Hope you like it.
All chapters are now linked.
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three