Life's Journey - A Kind of Magic (3/5 plus Epilogue)

Jul 21, 2010 13:36

Title: Life’s Journey #3 - It's a Kind of Magic (3/5 + Epilogue)
Author: Teachwriteslash
Characters/Pairings: Jack, Ianto; mentions Martha, Gwen, Rhys; Duncan, Methos, Joe, Amanda from Highlander the Series; Jack/Ianto, Duncan/Methos, Amanda/Nick (mentioned)
Warnings: Angst
Spoilers: TW Series 1 and 2, DW Series 1 -3, mentions characters but not events from CoE; Highlander diverges from canon post-Endgame; The Source never happened.
Rating: PG-13
Length: 11043 words
Beta(s): Bookwrm89 and cjharknessgirl
Summary: After fooling UNIT and the world, Jack and Ianto settle in Seacouver where Jack's past comes back to haunt them and the meet a completely different type of immortal.
AN: Third in a series. Written for Jantocam Challenge 4 and 5. Crossover with Highlander the Series, but all you need to know is that Duncan (418), Amanda (well over 1000), and Methos - aka the Old Man (5000) are the type of immortals who fight to the death with swords. Joe is Duncan's Watcher/their friend. For more, go here . Duncan/Methos is not canon per se, but watch Comes a Horsemen. You don't fight like that with a friend :-)

Happy Birthday to one of my favourite writers angstosaur. This is just your type of chapter - kick ass Ianto, pissy Jack, angst, with sides of Methos, Amanda, and Joe being awesome.

Life's Journey - It's a Kind of Magic (3/5 + Epilogue)

rating: pg-13, fandom: highlander, crossover, challenge #4a, author: teachwriteslash, challenge #5

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