(no subject)

Aug 19, 2011 14:46

 Title-  19th August 2011

Author- Janto_forever81


Warnings-- AU..

Spoilers- House of Dead radio play

Disclaimer - not mine, or it would have been treated better

author's note- after House of Dead radio play ,what happens to Ianto Jones when he closes the rift.. Alternate Universe.

something i wrote for my own amusement & for Ianto's birthday  in my Alternate universe fic " double trouble" . not BETA'd so read at your own risk.

Ianto Jones woke up from his night slumber & looked at the alarm clock 19th August 2011 , he is 28 years old

today not bad for a Torchwood agent who already died twice currently residing in Alternate universe in another

Ianto Jones's home pretending to be the father of other Ianto's two children, he slowly got up & went for a shave

& shower , he looked at himself in mirror & said happy birthday Jones Ianto Jones, his thought briefly drifted to

Lisa how they used to celebrate his birthday together & his friends from Torchwood 1 then it went to Jack .. he

can't say they together celebrated his birthday like he & Lisa did but rift permitting they did go for dinner &

spend time together , he sighed he is also missing his only family his sister & niece & nephew even that

lumberjack Johnny , may be he will never going to see them again.. but he thought suck it up Jones there is no

point crying over it.. let's go outside & face the day.. he went to kitchen & made himself a coffee ( oh he did

buy a coffee machine & good beans to make coffee , he can't live without them no way.. even Carlie became fan of

his coffee) that thought brought a smile on his face he took his cup left Carlie's cup on kitchen & walked towards

the garden , it has become his routine to take walk around the Garden , today a very plesant sight greeted him

Carlie Jones doing a little morning yoga her slender figure bending like a serpent at her will, Ianto thought

that's a nice sight woke up to he smiled to himself.. Carlie looked at him & smiled hi Ianto how are you today?

Ianto was bit flusterd because of the sight in front of him he was not sure about his " romantic business" cause

of his death not once but twice but carlie's figure & posture made it certain to him that Mr. Jones is very much

alive & kicking , he said good morning & he is fine with lot of efforts & he asked Carlie how is she ? they both

went to seat at the near by table & Ianto was very greatful for that .. Carlie asked him Ianto i want ask you a

favor ? Ianto said yeah sure go ahead she asked can you please pretend that its your birthday today & like evry

year we do come for a picnic with me & children & dinner with us tonight for children as they think you are their

dad & its Ianto's birthday today.. Ianto looked at her & smiled a bit & said i don't have to pretend its my

birthday today it is my birthday today & about picnic with you & children i would love too.. Carlie smiled & said

thank you to him with a peck on his lips , he felt butterflies inside his stomach doing a somersault , he felt

happy, by the time they went inside Clara & Ifan were up & they hugged their dad & wished him Happy Birthday rex

also wished him happy birthday by licking his face off, Ifan asked his mommy can they give their present to daddy

now ? Carlie said yes they ran to their room & brought a handmade birthday card & a drawing as present for their

dad.. Ianto felt overwhelmed with emotion he hugged them tight , he so wanted this always he pictured it always

with his & Lisa's children but now he will take whatever he is getting may be for few days or whatever .. after

breakfast Jones family including Rex went to near by vineyard which Ianto has no idea but it actually owned by

Ianto Jones but that is only known to Carlie they took out their picnic blanket & sat down sun was warm weather

was nice children went to run around with Rex Carlie was leaning on her elbow & Ianto was lying on his back

looking towards sky to break the silence Carlie asked him how you used to celebrate your birthday Ianto smiled

remembering his birthdays with Lisa he said nothing much quite dinner when Lisa was alive she used to bake my

favorite dark chocolate coffee cake & later with Jack if rift permitted a quite dinner , he didn't say anything

about special birthday shag!! then he asked this way you celebrate your Ianto's birthday always ? Carlie said yes

to Ianto his family is most important & he used to spend his birthday's with me , children & with his sister & mum

always since i know him & i know him since we were children ..

Ifan came running to him & asked come on dad play some ball with us .. you too mum they both got up & started

playing game & Ianto was having fun .. if he thinks carefully so far it was one of the best birthday he ever had..

they had a quite lunch , it was pretty hard to save food from a dog who thinks whatever human's are eating he can

eat that too.. so it was race between Rex & rest of Joneses ..after lunch they took a walk in the vine yard with

lots of exciting rambling from ifan & Clara ,  Children were pretty tired after after a fun excited day that they

were barely standing but they wanted to be there for the cake hence Cake came out early then intended  Ianto was

unable to see what he was doing cause his eyes were clouded with tears but there was a smile on his face a true

happy smile after carlie put children to bed & Ianto red them a story they came down carlie told him you know what

let's open a nice wine to celebrate a very good day we had i am serving the dinner you go fetch the wine from the

celler , Ianto went for that he needed some time to himself when he entered the celler he broke down he always

wanted this a happy family & lovely wife children but he never had that it was like in his universe only Gwen can

have that rest of them were sad lonely broken but he wiped his face & thought screw it i am going to have a happy

ending for my birthday may be for my life here .. with that thought he returned to dining room to see a spread of

lovely meal on table & Carlie standing there wearing a very beautiful dress looking very gorgeous she came forward

& gave a peck on his cheek & said thank you , Ianto said no thank you for the amazing day you & children gave me i

won't forget it ever..

Meanwhile Ianto was celebrating his birthday in France other Ianto was alone in prison , he thought he shouldn't

be here he should have been with his family celebrating his birthday with his family having good times , fun times

his favorite Chocolate cheese cake baked by his lovely wife not the mush they serve here as food, knock on his

cell door roused him from his thought a constable was there who said Ianto Jones your lawer is here to meet you..

Ianto was little surprised Toshiko was not suppose to meet him today but may be she got some news for him or about

his family so he went to meet her he was bit apprehension what he will find , when he arrived in the meeting area

what he saw brought a smile on his face he saw Toshiko standing there with a present & small chocolate muffin

sitting on the table she hugged him & said happy birthday Ianto gave him the present also said it is not wrapped

properly cause gurds had to check but Ianto shook his head doesn't matter Toshiko she also gave him another

present , she said this is from Carlie it was a picture of him & his children & his wife in happy times .. now

Toshiko said now break the muffin shall we? Ianto nodded & promised himself next birthday he will be with his

family making new memories for now this picture will have to do to remind him of his goal.

double trouble, ianto jones, birthday

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