Jul 14, 2008 18:28


Okay, got that out of my system. Haven't been on the interwebs/posting on here in a while, so I stole interwebs from my moms computer so I could post about my first ever con!!! Woo! It was scary how well I fit in there, with everyone and they were all so friendly. Jen and I even made a couple of one-day-con friends! (HELLO!) I actually felt out of place because I wasn't wearing anything that was related to sci-fi shows. Except my TARDIS Key that I always wear, but most people don't recognize it as that, even at the con... *tear* But I did buy a Doctor Who shirt... and two figurines (9 and 10) and the sonic screwdriver and sonic pen set. sigh.

Did I mention I met John Barrowman?!?! Cause I did!!!!!!

So we (Jen and myself) went to Gareth's talks on Saturday and Sunday. I was the only one brave enough to ask questions. I don't remember what I asked on Saturday (if anyone does, could you tell me...) but on Sunday I asked What he thinks about wearing all the pink (he doesn't mind) how he likes wearing the suits all the time (First few months were awkward) If he could turn anything sonic what would it be (his lighter or his wallet) and what his favorite color is (black, though it's not really a color so he said red or purple.)

John Barrowman! I met him!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEE

Sorry, I have Barrowman!Tourettes....

So, on Sunday Jess and Katie went to the ball game. Jen and I didn't have anything to do, so we hung out at the CBC for 4 hours and planned to BEG for tickets to "Maria" so we could see John. And thanks to some pretty amazing people that we met in the lobby, all 4 of us got tickets and got to see the amazing John Barrowman. BARROWMAN! Anyway, the show tapping was good. (If you can vote in the competition, vote for Donna! She's amazing)So after the show, we took off to the other side of the area and tried to catch John, but he has dissapeared, so Katie asked the host of the show if there was anyway that we could meet John because we had driven 7 hours to meet him (well, I had anyway) so he said he would get someone to help us. Eventually the producer of the show came over and said that she was going to help us. We ended up in the back area by the service area. The girl that found him for us was talking to him and we couldn't hear what she was saying, but he
was really loud and we heard him say "What? Are you insane?" and I looked at him and said "Yes..." cause I was the one that drove from Ohio to meet him... So, we got pictures and autograpghs and I will never forget that the lead in "Chorus Line" is named "Kassie" cause he told me. (though it's probably spelled "Cassie" cause they suck) So I went over and thanked his parents cause we were taking time away from their son. They were soooooo incredibly nice. I wanted to thank them for giving birth to John, but I thought it would be weird. Anyway, they had to leave, and so did we, so Katie called me to come back over and I only partly heard her and John
said "Kassie, Kassie, Kassie!!" My knees melted and I stopped breathing (again) I ended up using my inhaler in the elevator.

Me and Jen in the car on the way to Canada!


Gareth posing cause he's a dork

Don't really remember what he was doing, but he looks adorable

*boop* *beep* *boop* *bop*

Exterminate! Exterminate!

That's the best that I saw the Stargate that they were building... Sigh, I was hoping to see it finished...

Kissing the puppy!!!!

Light saber!

AAAH! Lord Ba'al!! (I recognized him this time!)

That's the girl we were rooting for, even though we can't actually vote...

With our Maria!Tickets!

*insert fangirl squeee here.*

OMG! BARROWMAN!!!! Sigh....

Woo! So it was an amazing weekend. I left Rochester at 10 til 7 this morning, landed in my house at 11:53, showered, ate breakfast and was at work at 1.

I truly hate were I work. Some of the people just piss me off. ANGRY FACE! One of the teachers seems to think that the children in HER class are more important than the ones in my class. My kids need to rest too, just because most of them are older than yours, we still have some REALLY young ones that need their afternoon nap. UGh.

Then I got switched to the Toddler room and got to change 8 diapers! wooooo...

That's all for now. I will do a post later explaining my absence from the interwebs. And when that post happens I will hopefully be connected to the interwebs full time again.
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