The Silence in the Library

Jun 01, 2008 20:27

Got sunburn from planting my gardens all morning (I'll get some pictures up later, it's still not done :-/) My mum finally gave me my income tax refund today. $292.00, most I have ever gotten. I also got my stimulus check. $7.00. Woooooo that'll buy me 2 gallons of gas! YAY! Haha. Just to be a prick though, I am putting my stimulus check in my savings account. Onto Doctor Who!

-First off, I didn't know Moffat wrote this! I <3 Moffat. (This was awesome... )

-Cute little floating girl
-BOOKS! Love books!
-The smell of books Donna! (Totally true)
-The Library. So big it doesn't need a name, just a great big THE. Just like THE Doctor.

-WAVY ARMS!I love biographies. Need a good death. Without death there'd only be comedies.Dying gives us size. (Says the man thats 903 and can't die...)

-Spoilers!!! HAHA! Jen, even The Doctor doesn't like spoilers!! HAHAHAHAHA!
-Sundays are boring. So true...
-Humanoid, you know, book readers.
-A million million life forms, and silence in the library. Love when they throw in the title of the ep!

-There's just books. It can't be the books, can it? Books can't be alive. I love the look on his face.

-"Welcome!" hehe
-"Donna...Stay out of the shadows." Knew it was going to be a scary one after that line. Moffat should write horror movies, honestly.

-Though, I must say I do want a library the size of a planet. Forget the library in Beauty and the Beast, it's tiny compared to this!

-USE THE THINGY!Oh Donna, I love you and all your technical talk...
-The little girl is the security system? Creepy... Question, did they see the little girl, or the little floating ball thing?

-Same symbol on the security camera that was on the floor she fell on. I didn't notice that until the second time I watched it.
-"It's alive." "You said it was a security camera." "It is. It's an alive one." -His voice sounded so sad with that last sentence. <3

-It's a REAL face?

-Oye! Hands!
-Count the shadows. One, there we counted it it, one.
-I'm old and thick! My head is so full of stuff I need a bigger head.
-You're not archaeologists. Sooo whiny...

-Don't like her...Riversong... Grrrrrrr
-If you understand me, look very very scarred. No, a bit more scared than that.

-Yay for tearing the contracts! Go Donna and The Doctor! I love the look on his face!
-This is one episode that children should not watch... telling them that they really SHOULD be afraid of the dark

-"Oh I'M pretty boy?" "Yeah. Oh, that came out a bit quick." "Pretty?!" Yes, yes you are. Totally totally pretty! mmmmmm LOVE DAVID!!!
-GRRRRR. Don't like that woman... at all. (Though, I am against anyone that could be with The Doctor that isn't Rose... my OTP is defiantly Rose and The Doctor.)

-Those looks defiantly say "Please stop touching me."

-There is that symbol again...

-Don't blink. The angels have the Phone Box

-Looks like The TARDIS...
-Is Donna jealous? No...not Donna Noble...
-Mr.Lux is such a prick. Why does The Doctor keep running into rich pricks? (Reference to VoD)

-She has REALLY big lips. Like Angelina Jolie lips.
-4022 saved, No survivors. My mom thinks they turned into books. I agree.
-She's a foot print on the beach, and the tide is coming in.

-Comforting Doctor is Comforting.

-So valiant with his packed lunch and torch.
-Dr. Moon is really confusing that poor little security camera girl.

-I hope this isn't foreshadowing to a future companion. I don't like her. And I don't like her implying that Donna is gonna die...
-Not everyone comes out of the dark

-Proper Dave has two shadows... He's gonna die...

-Grrr. Stupid lady has a screwdriver... Grrrrr. And that doesn't look EXACTLY like The Doctors. Looks a bit weird to me but, whatever.

-What the hell happened to Donna!?

-Dead man walking. When did Owen join Doctor Who?
-It's a swarm in a suit!

-Squarness Gun! (YAY ROSE!)

-Poor Doctor. Keeps losing his companions.
-What the hell Moffat! I can't wait a week for this!! You are sooooo mean to fans... grrrrrr.
-and this is REALLY terrifying!

It was a good episode overall. Course, The Moff wrote it so it kinda was a given that it was going to be good. But who the hell is that archaeologist? Moff? What are you doing to us?! Seriously not cool man.

So I thought the camp I was going to be a counselor for started tomorrow, but it doesn't start until next week, so that gives me another week to clean out the second closet in my room. Joy. So tired of cleaning, but I almost have a real room again, considering it has been left unchecked for about 4 years. If I am going to be living here for longer than 3 months, I need to have a real bedroom. Perhaps with a desk (of my brother ever fixes the damn wireless in the effing house.) Oh well. Done ranting now.
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