This is the first time I've done notes like this, probably because I haven't previously felt the need to do so. At any rate, here are my notes regarding
Move Among the Stars. Spoilers for S2.08 of Life on Mars, as with the fic itself.
As some of you may or may not be aware, I don't think I'm overstating things at all when I say almost everything in my life has a soundtrack. Everything brings to mind one song or another; some to do with lyrics (obviously), and some not. And others, well...others are like this, where they club me over the head with their immediacy. I don't generally tend to write "songfic," per se, but there's often some sort of musical motivation behind things that I do write, not because of any sort of contrived reasoning on my part---but because that's just how I tend to think. Without getting any more pretentious and wanky than I fear I'm already being, I dream in music. It's just what I do, and I don't know any other way to live.
This fic has been a long time in coming...ever since I first saw the final episode of LoM, in fact. It's been percolating, although I hadn't necessarily planned it as a piece of writing. Rather, these are the thoughts that have been gathering in my head. As I've said before, I'm one who had serious problems with the ending as-written; not that the ending itself couldn't have been valid, to me, but I felt like we weren't given the bits we needed to make that ending come true. I've always viewed the ending as tragic, regardless of whether we had those bits or not...but I've also been turning over in my head what I would have liked to have seen to get us logically to that point. Do I agree with what I've written here? Not necessarily...I mean, I haven't flung myself off any rooftops lately, if that's what you're wondering. ;) And I think that's hardly the point, anyway...writing is exploration, or should be, at any rate. But does this make it add up for me? It would have done, yeah. So it's my ending, I guess you could say.
But back to the music thing: when I first saw the ending, one song came strongly to mind, and it was this:
And eventually, that's what held this fic together in my head. That's what drew the miasma of thoughts into something workable, and pounded it into shape, and resulted in what you've just read. :)