get down to my ideal weight to see what it’s like then stay at a comfortable weight. (Currently 20 pounds from here)
defeat ice cream
defeat and destroy soda
Meditate daily
Anger - need more comprehensive and effective tools to deal with it
Remember names
Get head in school more
MBSR regularly
Regular news fasts for at least a week. (I already purged all of the news sources from my RSS and phone.)
Remove or distance self from toxic people Toxic people - stir up trouble amongst others, always surrounded by drama, always negative and self-defeating and defeat others as well, play the martyr, think they’re the only ones in the world with a schedule, gossip incessantly, they accomplish nothing of any value and they keep grudges forever. The least happy people I know are the ones who harbor grudges forever, which is like sticking themselves with pins constantly. Basically, I need to surround myself with people who can let go and we support each other in doing so, always moving forward. I need people who are looking at a brighter future and when one of us falls, the others help us up.
Step 1: Identify all toxic people through observation. Document specific egregious instances.
Step 2: Evaluate the positive aspects of our relationship and compare to the toxicity issues
Step 3: Eliminate the people who have a high negative balance. Distance self from medium negative balance folks and confront people with a mild negative balance. Toxic people HATE being confronted so prepare for relationship disturbances or endings.
Step 4: Be prepared to explain to common friends and acquaintances what the real situation is if toxic people unleash the drama. (See above documentation.)
Avoid toxic situations
Be more careful with money
Talk to people more
Stop being so selfish.
Although I try every year, the liking myself thing is not working out. Things go ok for a while and it’s like I’m in the “Well, you’re kind of a douchebag but you’re a good friend of one of my good friends so I’m trying to see if I like you” phase - a major step forward - but then I keep reverting back to negative behavior in times of stress. It’s the one thing in my head that won’t let go. I will continue to try.
Rethink my event travel
Change site to cover all bases and refer everybody who invites me to it in the reply mail.
Since I was forgotten at the airport twice in 2009 the new policy is that if I am not contacted within 45 minutes of the time I pick up my bags, (even a voice mail or text) I will rent a car (I like hybrids) and the event will pay for it for the weekend.
Handle luggage receipts better
Be more serious about managing my miles
Improve packing - more organized, less ‘splody, less stuff, more efficient stuff
Sort out how to do a trip with a single, carry-on bag
Do some yoga every day on trips
Diceland done by the Spring!!!!!
Get art & creativity workshop/panel to a form where I can take it out to the world as a seminar
Figure out how to take spoken word work out into the world
Warm up voice every day and exercises a couple times a week
Work on Music Project A (the thing with the sounds)
Work on Music Project B (the thing with that guy)
Draw more comics
Convert Compulse to CSS and try to update semi-regularly