Jun 07, 2005 19:58
Really? Avon for me? Hmmm, I remember as a child watching commercials that said, "Dingdong, Avon calling". Not for me, no door to door sales! I just want to purchase my perfume and eyeliner from the lady. Damn! Really? Perfume is 32bucks, eyeliner is 4...making it a total of 36plus tax. And you say you can save me 8bucks of it? Hmmm, how? Dang, really? Only 10bucks to be an avon representative and I get FIFTY percent off the first few months purchases? SOLD! I just want to buy my make up and stuff cheap.
At the local SteaknShake while showing my son the men's catalog so he can order cologne cheap, a waitress asks for a book. When she gives me the meal ticket...she also hands me a list of avon stuff she wants. Wow, meal cost me 13bucks...she ordered 30...with my 50% I made a profit on eating. LOL I like that so I actually read the info given to me.
Dannnnggggg...savings plan, fortune 500 company, car allowence, leadership checks, men's catalog, plus sized clothing....all this is Avon? Yep she said. And health foods? Mhm she nodded. So I was sold. Avon like all the rest of the industries that still survive has evolved into a major company worth taking a second look at.