a few of my weird qualities

Jun 21, 2005 09:28

I don't know if anyone reads this, but i was thinking about how strange i am sometimes, and wondered if anyone else realized it. I'm ok with being different i think. It's taken growing up to be more comfortable with myself, but i thought it might amuse those who actually bother to read this non-sense.

* I have extreme anxiety when i have to speak to answering machines.

* I have two used q-tips in my car that disgust me, but i couldn't bear to leave on the ground for someone else to clean up.

* I still get hot flashes and feel like crying if i'm reprimanded by anyone other than my mother.

* When people beep at me, i pretend it's cause i'm pretty so i don't feel like crying. (see above)

* I drink frozen coffee every morning and when i get home from work. (that's coffee i've made, sweetened and frozen)

* I take a multi-vitamin every morning.

* I often lay in bed and fantasize about eating cake and chocolate tall cakes.

* I feel like people are annoyed and think i'm horrible when i compulsively turn down their food because it's not healthy for me.

* There's a girl at the track in the morning that looks exaspirated everytime she see's me coming. Her mom's nice but it hurts my feelings.

* I pretend like i don't hear people complimenting me to the person they're with and just smile to myself. Sometimes it makes the compliment 10 times more wonderful when it's not meant for the subject to hear.
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