Dec 24, 2004 19:39
ok. heres the deal. just about all of my friends are broke. and I dont want them to only get real presents from like, their parents. that means that everyone that isnt on my list of "already got you something" or "already know what im going to get you" needs to comment with a wish list/what they want. that means you tiger. I dont care if i dont have to get you something... I WANT to get you something. it if it just makes you feel too horrible, at the bottom you will find my list of excessivly cheap items that i want. if you cant just take a present, you can get me something off of there. oh, and no lame requests like "burn me a cd". if theres a particular set of songs you want, sure Ill burn you a cd. but Id do that any day of the year. this is christmas. common ppl, think bigger thoughts.
so now. the lists. these will be updated as required.
:::The Already Got You Something List:::
-mahii. yeah... your the only one so far. havent done teh shopping yet.
:::The Already Know What Im Going To Get You List:::
:::The List Of People I Definetly Need To Get Stuff For::
~this is the list of people currently on my list, but with no set ideas next to their name. this by all means does not constitute all people. if youve been left off this list, post your wish list right along with everyone else. If your on this list, you better post a wishlist or Ill hunt you down or ask your friends. or both.~
:::The List Of Cheap Stuff I Want:::
-Balloons. those kind you can twist into animals.
-Flashlight. a cool one.
-Thick Cord. dont ask.
-Incense. the little cones. just one is fine. pick a scent that reminds you of me. <--*
-A Pen. with your favorite color ink in it.
-ART!! need wall coverage!!
-really strong magnets. like HD magnets. if you just happen to have any lying around.
-if you have a really funny movie or voice recording, I would like a copy. it has to be of someone you know tho!
-any small thing you think would amuse me