but i forgot.
yeah. we did the stupidest thing at work yesterday. we made a hole in the linoleum floor and pulverized about an inch of concrete below it.
that doesnt sound that bad?
well how bout this.
we made that hole and pulverized said concrete by dropping a brand new just out of the box $8000 Xserve Raid array.
bent the frame a bit... and one of the drives died of shock... but other than that it seems to be ok. we'll see.
last night went to see the student made animated short public showing and award ceremony at AOA university with jessica, and her roommate, and her brother, and her brothers fiance (who had one in the showing i think)
some were really really funny. a couple were really really good. and one was really really Really disturbing. note to any future audiences: beware of animated short "ms. education"
its going to take me weeks to wipe that evil image from my mind....
for those of you who know the wonderfulness that is O-Zone (and maybe some of you that dont) you can find a pretty all encompassing selection of songs they've done in mp3 at
http://yatta.stanford.edu/~janowar/O-Zone/ for those who are cool and use macs, and want to get even more addicted to your iTunes visualizer, or need something new to watch while listening to your new O-Zone, theres a couple goodies for you there too.
http://yatta.stanford.edu/~janowar/youll know what folder to click on.
enjoy. sleep for me.