Dec 31, 2009 13:24
Yep, I decided I should probably start paying attention. Thanks to my Gastric Bypass Surgery, I'm no longer a million pounds and although I'm staying that way because of it, I'm skinny fat - I'm flabby, despite that I'm only 140lbs! It's really superbly annoying to see a beer gut when I don't drink enough to have one, ya know? I did really well for the first couple years, but my stomach has grown, and my portion sizes are out of control. By going back on a regulated, WLS patient approved diet, I'm going to allow my stomach to shrink down and also curb a lot of the cravings I've been having that I know are not healthy or beneficial in any capacity. I also hope to un-learn bad habits and instill the good ones in myself again. We'll see if it happens.
I'm going to be watching portion sizes as well as my caloric intake, fat percentages, and sugars in a food journal. I need to be watching sugars and complex carbs anyway given my hypoglycemia, so this is just an excuse for me to take better care of myself in general. Since I'm not one who can count calories forever, I plan on doing 6 weeks on, 6 weeks off. My 6 weeks off will not be my permission to eat whatever I want to, it will just be my break from having to log everything.
So.. leg one -
01/01/2010 - 02/12/2010
Currently 141.8 lbs - Goal for February 12th: 135lbs
To maintain my current weight, I should be eating around 1800 calories. I plan on consuming between 1,100 and 1,300. If you are not a gastric bypass patient, this is probably tremendously low. Talk to Laura for a diet & exercise program specific to you. This is my own, based on gastroenterologists and WLS surgeons at Los Angeles Metro, where I had my surgery performed.
I'm setting my expectations very low for this leg, given that my metabolism is molasses slow right now and I am primarily sedentary. In a few weeks, I will be getting my exercise moving boxes and loading a truck, sooo I may be pleasantly surprised. I'd rather be surprised than disappointed!
The Diet
Take 1 adult (or 2 children’s) chewable vitamins daily. Extra calcium, iron, and B-12 are also recommended.
Be sure to drink 1 cup (8oz) of water or low-calorie beverage between each meal.
Fluids should add up to at least 6 cups (48oz) each day
Sip slowly; make beverages last 30 minutes or more Finish drinking 45-60 minutes before meals.
For added calcium, drink nonfat milk (or lactaid) throughout the day in 2 to 3 oz servings. Your goal is 16oz total each day.
Acceptable beverages include diet sodas (preferably flat, carbonation stretches the stomach), water, milk, tea, decaf coffee and other low-calorie drinks. Beware of sports drinks, they are very high in sodium and will cause you to retain water.
Eat 3 to 6 small (½ cup) meals per day.
Chew thoroughly and eat slowly, setting the fork/spoon down between bites.
Eat until you are satisfied and no longer feel hungry - NOT until full. Once you feel “full”, your stomach has already stretched.
You should be consuming 6 to 7oz of protein per day.
Acceptable proteins are red meat or pork, chicken or turkey without the skin, fish of almost any type, eggs, and cottage cheese, as well as nuts (peanuts, pine nuts, cashews, etc. - roasted but non-salted) and legumes (beans of all types, lowfat or non-fat if canned).
You should be consuming 4 to 5oz of prepared veggies per day.
Raw vegetables are higher in fiber and also harder to digest and take up more room. Try boiled or steamed veggies.
You should be consuming 2 to 3oz of fruits per day.
This includes fruit cocktail (in light syrup or water) and fresh fruits alike.
You should be consuming no more than 7oz of carbs per day.
This mostly means bread, pastas, crackers, potatoes, etc.; whenever possible, try for wholegrain.
Sweets & Condiments
Mustard, no ketchup. Low or non-fat condiments are best. No more than 4oz (½ cup) of non-fat/sugar-free pudding or jello (made with 2% milk) per day. Avoid other sweets.
Sample Diet
banana - 1/4 med
Scrambled egg - 1
toast, white -1/2 slice
margarine - 1 tsp
Morning snack
graham crackers - 2
pudding, sugar-free, made with 2% fat milk - 1/2 cup
broiled chicken breast- 2 oz
carrots, boiled - 1/4 cup
margarine - 1 tsp
pasta salad - 1/4 cup
Afternoon Snack
fruit cocktail, waterpacked - 1/2 cup
salmon, baked or broiled - 2 oz
green beans - 1/4 cup
dinner roll - 1/2
Evening snack
cheese, American - 1 oz
saltine crackers - 2
mustard - 1 tsp
*Consume nonfat milk between meals, throughout the day. Drink no more than 2 to 3 ounces at a time, for a daily total of 2 cups.