I had a friend whom I called Roger, and he was accused of killing people. The person responsible was my boyfriend (I obviously wasn’t myself); and I knew it. I took off, and I ran to the local embassy.. I knew I could trust them and they knew me personally. I explained the situation. As I was talking to the main woman, we were headed deep into the catacombs of the embassy - and I glanced behind me to realize that the murderer is there as well, chatting with someone and strolling a few yards behind me.
I gasp and tear off running, making my way into a bathroom. Darting to the back, I enter a door, and suddenly I have a ‘team’ - two girls following me. I make my way through the second door, which is an extension of the bathroom which morphs into shower rooms. I find a closet and duck inside, and now a guy follows us in - to tell us we can’t have any clothing, because clothes attract ghosts. I laugh at him and tell him he’s stupid, and meanwhile I’m digging everything out of the closet to hunt for an opening, a trap door or a hole or something to hide in. I find a trap door all boarded up.
I grab a hanger and pry the door open. Looking in, it’s a small crawl space, lined with small, dim lights and cob webs. One of the girls behind me volunteers to wiggle in and unlatch the door. She does so, and I can see out that door and into a warehouse style garage, and beyond that, daylight.
The other girls stay behind as I make it through the door and slowly slide down this slope of upright and booby trapped tools to make my way to the floor. Stepping down, I see the same boy as before - the one that told us we couldn’t have clothing - but he says nothing to me. I start walking toward the parking lot, trying to find my car. Before I can, I see Lisa (my manager from PetSmart) and Nancy (Mom’s manager from PetSmart) walking, looking for me. I try to run, but the grab me and pull me into custody. I plead with them to find a newspaper, because by now they know Roger was innocent, and Nancy and Lisa ignore me.
I break out of their arms and find a newspaper kiosk, throwing a newspaper their way.
Then I woke up.
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