Weird Feelings and Faded Memories

Apr 03, 2011 13:29

Title: Weird Feelings and Faded Memories
Pairing: Kevin/Kibum
Genre: Angst
Rating: R
Warning: Mentioned character death
Word count: 632
Summary: There is a weird feeling in the pit of Kevin's stomach and it won't go away.
A/N: This isn't one of my best works, and I'll admit it's a little rushed. I wrote this in 20 minutes and it's still lacking. And unbeta'd. IDEK...

All day Kevin had this weird feeling at the pit of his stomach. On most days he would pass it off as indigestion or nervousness, but not today. Today the feeling wouldn’t stop bothering him, like it was saying, “HEY, something’s going to happen, pay attention to me.”

His brow furrowed as a sudden chill ran through him. ‘What’s going on?’ he asked himself. He paused in his steps and was immediately pushed aside by the impatient people on the sidewalk.

He was on his way to meet Kibum. Kibum… ‘That’s right,’ he told himself. ‘You’re going to see Kibum and nothing’s going to happen. Everything will be fine.’ He pursed his lips and began walking again.

He stopped outside the quaint café that Kibum was to meet him at. He chose to sit at one of the outside tables, thankful for the large awning that blocked most of the bright sun.

He waited for over an hour for Kibum to show, but he never did. Kevin bit his bottom lip in worry, because Kibum was never late. For anything. After a few more minutes of waiting, he pulled out his cell phone and called Kibum. He frowned as the stranger who answered told him that he had dialed the wrong number. ‘Did Kibum change his phone number?’ He pursed his lips and then called Xander. Surely his hyung would know where Kibum was.

“Kevin?! Is that you?” came Xander’s worried voice over the phone.

“Yeah Hyung, it’s me.”

“Where are you, Kev? Why didn’t you tell us that you were going somewhere? Do you know -”

Kevin cut off Xander’s nagging. “Hyung, it’s okay. I’m meeting with Kibum. Or supposed to be, he didn’t show up. Do you know where he is?”

“Ki…Kibum? Kevin where are you?” Kevin listened as his hyung’s voice took on a new level of worry.

“I’m at the café down the street. But Hyung you did-”

“Kevin I’m on my way. Don’t move until I get there, do you hear me?” And then the line went dead.

Kevin let out an exasperated sigh and leaned back in his chair. He might as well just wait for Xander. Ad he looked around, the weird feeling in his stomach escalated. He grabbed his stomach as his vision began to blur. Suddenly, he was hearing double, and memories assaulted his mind.


It was hot, the sun was too bright. He was walking happily toward the café; he was supposed to be meeting Kibum that day. He was just about to cross the intersection when a car came out of nowhere, swerving and speeding in Kevin’s direction.

Then everything started moving in slow motion. He saw Kibum appear and push him out of the way. He heard the screeching of tires and the sickening thud of a person being hit. Hard. He heard the people around him screaming, some for help, and others from fright. But he didn’t care. He pulled himself off the ground, ignoring the stabs of pain where the concrete and cut his skin. He pushed passed the crowd forming around the front of the car.

There was blood, there was so much blood. And there was the broken body of Kibum. Kevin felt his knees give out and he fell to the ground once more. He dragged himself over to the body, tears streaming down his face. He looked into the lifeless eyes of the man he loved as a scream - a broken scream - ripped from his throat. He buried his face into the chest of the mad who would no longer be able to provide him any comfort.


Kevin’s whole body was shaking. He looked around and saw the café’s customers staring at him, worry in their eyes. His body convulsed and everything went black.


Well...There you go. Like I said, not one of my best works. I also have an announcement for followers of Black and White. The fic is going to be put on an indefinite hiatus because I just can't find time to write something other than one shots. I don't know whether I'll be able to write a new chapter for it before summer comes, and that's in two months. So, for two months, at least, Black and White will be going on hiatus while I tackle the last workloads of this school year. I'm sorry to everyone who's been waiting for an update and I'm sorry for those who already gave up on me updating :(
I'll be back, though. I promise.

With that said, comments would be wonderful <3

fandom: u-kiss, r: r, p: kibum/kevin, g: angst

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