(no subject)

May 04, 2007 13:24

Ok, so two weeks ago at this point, I posted the IMDb movie meme, and only two of my movies were guessed. I'll give you guys the benefit of the doubt that you're not lazy, I just picked really tough keywords, for really obscure movies. So here's another keyword for all 8 unguessed movies. I've bolded these (in my opinion) much easier keywords for quicker refference:

Go to IMDB.com and look up 10 of your favorite movies.
Post three official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for these 10 picks.
Have your friends guess the movie titles.

1. Porno Theater/Satanism/Dying During Sex/Character Name In Title Cecil B. Demented adoor
2. Dark Hero/Axe In The Head/Escaped Mental Patient/Nailgun
3. Homophobic Overtones/Stabbed In The Neck/Chess/Intentionally Misspelled Title
4. Female Crime Boss/Ice Skating/Nazi/Children's TV Show Death to Smoochy pezking124
5. Steampunk/Shot In The Face/Psychotronic Film Reference/Book of the Dead Army of Darkness pezking124
6. NeoNoir/Remake Of French Film/Pimp/Epidemic 12 Monkeys adoor
7. Science Runs Amok/Arm Wrestling/Remake Of Cult Film/Botched Teleportation The Fly suckswhen
8. Small Town Life/Tentacle Rape(??)/Vomit Scene/Exploding Body
9. Mathematical Equation/Drill In The Head/Fibonacci Pi suckswhen
10. Vaginal Sex/Gas Mask/Octopus Oldboy pezking124
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