Jan 07, 2004 17:14
i figure, I have one of these things so maybe now and than I will give a little random update now and than. Here goes.
Event for today:
Today marks the begining of never. I worked for my dad, something he would never ever do because there are better jobs out there...this was all his idea, I just go along.
Event for the week:
I work the 7 am shift at Michael's 3 days a week. Monday I stapled my fingers together while refilling on of them. It hurts I don't recommend it.
Event for the month:
Met Karissa's friends from Wake, they are funny and I like them, minus Rachel's desire to kill most animals.
So I'm home and don't go back to school until the 21st, and that is my life for right now. No guys, lots of work, lots of Jamie, Sari and Karissa (until recently, good luck rushing!) There you have it, no mas.