Okay, that totally rocked. Didn't that totally rock?
- I love the beginning with the old lady at the traffic lights
- Jack's entrance was extremely cool
- it also contained possibly my favourite moment, when the blowfish gets shot and Ianto turns his gun sideways and looks at it with this adorable bemused expression
- they used Alabama 3 on the soundtrack! I love that band ("Mao Tse Tung Says" was the tune when Captain John walks into the bar)
- Jack saying he worked his way up through the ranks and John making the crack about the ranks enjoying it made me laugh a lot
- team Torchwood being competent for the win! (that's just a general observation, but they did seem to be working it)
- did not like the bit with Jack and Gwen in the tunnels much because they seemed to be pushing the Jack/Gwen subtext a little too far for my taste
- Owen was being surprisingly mature in that talk with Tosh; this pleases me
- when John hit Tosh I really wanted to kill him
- that whole date conversation was too adorable for words, I love flustered Ianto
- I've got to say, when he was doing the whole "come, make mischief in the galaxy with me" Jack didn't look at all tempted to me
- but when Jack got tipped off the roof, I winced all the way down, because that had to hurt
- John's reaction when Jack walks in alive was fantastic (god, James Marsters is good)
- nice intriguing ending as well
All in all, I think they are actually delivering on all those promises in the promotion interviews. Woohoo!
ETA and Ianto got to pull out his trusty stopwatch as well. I made a happy noise.
And the trailer afterwards rocked as well!