So Terrell and I went to the ballet on Tuesday with some other CMUers. It was sweet!
The ballet itself was very weird, and somewhat racy, but ultimately good. Plus one of our choir conductors was singing as one of the characters in it, so that was exciting. The dancing was great, even though the plot was a little weird. The evening couldn't have been a total loss because we were with some sweet people and! we got to dress up.
After the ballet we went to Baked Expectations, and that was sweet. Rachel's darling lactose-intolerant sister was there and supplied me with a pill so I could consume some expresso cheesecake. Yes! And my friend Lindsey Gow from WMYC was working there! That was awesome too. I think the highlight of the evening was singing The Sepulcher of Life in the bus stop, although I don't know who else would agree seeing as I was shushed a few times, lol!
So basically it was great fun and I enjoyed it muchly. :)
Other info on the week: have a bad fever, Terrell is sick with a cold, finished a big assignment with Brynne's help, watched a movie, have a date with Terrell and Jerry Seinfeld later, wrote Henk a letter, went to the Millenium Library, which was big and scary, got RA in apartments for next year, laughed too much, cried too much, ate too much, showered very little, and slept at weird hours. It been a crazy week, thank God its over. Although! In a week today will be Terrell and my one year anniversary. Woah! Thats a loooong time. Hopefully we'll go something fun. :)
We even matched a little bit. :)
I like Terrell in a suit.
My hair looks weird - its started turning blonde on me!