
Jul 06, 2009 13:09

Ok so first of all I'm going to say happy late 4th of July to those of you that live in the USA. Hope you all had fun :)

Next, I might be getting a car today. My mom and I are going to go look today. I'm a little excited actually even though I don't really want a car as much as I want a new Tablet PC so I can finish my stuff for the ficathon which is coming up soon. I'd try to work on them on this computer but I really don't want to risk losing them if this machine decided to delete them like it did to my music before. Oh yes and speaking of that I have to say a big thanks to danaems for burning off a CD with the songs that I lost! You rock, Danae!!! *hugs*

Now, Danae and oodlycan , you'll be happy to hear that I finally got my dvd recorder to behave and the first four 4th Doctor episodes are ready for you. Robot, The Ark in Space, The Sontaran Experiment, and Genesis of the Daleks. I'll get them to you as soon as possible and I'll get more ready as soon as I can :)

So, moving on to the subject of books. Danae let me borrow her two new DW books, Slitheen Excursion and Prisoner of the Daleks. Both were really good but don't worry, no spoilers today. I'm also re-reading the Bloody Jack series which is really good and I'm waiting to read the last Percy Jackson book *pokes oodlycan*

Well time for me to go, I guess. Oh yeah and just to let you know, the next few posts are going to be fanvids just because I've found that if I embed my vids here, when YouTube decides they should be banned they still work :)


life: computer, life, tv: doctor who, web: youtube, tv: doctor who: fourth doctor, tv: doctor who: slitheen

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