Of Wormholes And Weasleys Chapter 5

Apr 15, 2009 14:36

Chapter 5 or "We Accidentally Summon Villians And Everyone Unwillingly Learns About Jack's Television Choices"

Leaviel ran to hug the wizard. “Gandalf!”

Gandalf smiled. “...Hello there...”

Leaviel suddenly remembered her summoned Hobbits and ran to hug them too. “Merry! Pippin!”

“I-I don't know you!” Merry stammered, struggling to get out of her grip.

Fred shook his head. “Now, I'm not one for complaining, but this is getting mad!”

Leaviel remembered that they're there too. “Fred! George! My four favorites!” She gathered them all into a big group hug.

Jack grinned, intrigued by the action taking place across the room. “Maybe I should get in a part of this!”

“Luna defence!” Leaviel yelled as she concentrated and Luna Lovegood appeared right in front of Jack.

Luna smiled. “Hellooo... This is a nice place...”

“Hello there!” Jack replied, instantly recovering from surprise. “And who might you be?”

“Luna Lovegood.”

“Nice to meet you, Luna Lovegood! I'm Captain Jack Harkness.”

“Thats nice” Luna said and wandered over to Hermione.

Jack stared after her, once again in shock “Uh...wha?”

Rose turned to face the Doctor. “So, Doctor, you want to tell me whats going on here?”

He pointed to Janna and Leaviel who are both hugging the hobbits and the Weasley twins. “Ask them. They started this”

Janna let go of the hobbits and turned to face him, hand on her hips. “Hey, is it our fault that we love these movies and your show?”

“Show? What show?” he asked with a frown.

Janna walked over and held up video player with Doctor Who playing on it. “This show.”

The Doctor groaned. “Oh not again! You just gave me more spoilers!”

The Reapers appear...again.

“Oops!” Janna said with a grin. “I think we need a certain you know who here...”

Suddenly Voldemort appeared.

Janna stared at him. “Hey! Not that you know who!”

“Oh crap... At least it isn't Sauron--” Leaviel began before Sauron appeared.

“Oi! No flaming eyes in the console room!” the Doctor shouted.

Ron stared at the two villains, completely terrified.

Hermione turned to Sauron and shouted “Aguamenti!”

A jet of water shot at Sauron.

Leaviel frowned. “I don't think that'll work! Maybe if we get someone to help... Uhh... Who...?”

Suddenly a blond man in a suit appears smoking a cigarette, his bangs covering his left eye.

Jack's eyebrows raised as high as possible. “Who is that?!”

“He's straight, dang it!” Leaviel yelled.

“Tsk! A shame! But I like your imagination!”

The blonde man, aka Sanji, stared at Leaviel. “Wait. You imagined me here?”

“Yes... and also those ones!” she said, pointing at Sauron and Voldemort. “And we have to figure out how to get them out of here!”

Sanji looked around, sizing up the situation. “Well... if you imagined them here, can't you imagine them away again?”

Leaviel gasped. “Why didn't I think of that?!”

Sanji hit himself in the face with his hand.

The Doctor looks around at his full TARDIS. “Alright, what is going on?!”

Janna frowned. “Um...I don't know really maybe-”

Suddenly a Teletubby appeared.

“What?! Hey! I didn't think of that!" Janna yelled.

Jack grinned. “Oops! Sorry!”

“Jack!” everyone shouted angrily.

Jack raised his hands in surrender. “Hey! Not my fault you guys don't like that show!”

tv: doctor who: captain jack harkness, tv: doctor who, tv: doctor who: rose tyler, fanfiction: crossover: of wormholes, book/film: harry potter, friend: leaviel, fanfiction

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