Repeat Offender

Apr 06, 2011 19:57

Title: Repeat Offender
Author: janna_hawkins  
Summary: "That was just a fluke. Those Cuccos were rabid or something."
Characters: Link, Navi
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to The Legend of Zelda except a bunch of the games and two t-shirts
Author Notes: I blame Contraltissimo on dA for this. She and I were talking about cuccos and Grog and I thought of what happens when you hit a cucco and then this fic appeared. It's all her fault!



"Shh!" the green-clad boy hissed from his place on the ground. "I'm hunting!"

"But, Link, don't you remember what happened the last time you tried this?"

The boy shrugged, keeping his eyes on the birds nearby. "That was just a fluke. Those Cuccos were rabid or something. Tonight I'm gonna have roast cucco for supper!"

"But..." Navi protested



"Ahhh! No go away! Get off me! Help me! Someone help! Heelp!"

Navi uncovered her eyes and sighed. Floating over the carnage and scattered feathers she smirked down at the boy. "See? I-"


"-told you so"

"You're next."

fanfiction: drabble, game: legend of zelda

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