New Fanart!

Mar 31, 2011 22:16

So here's some of the fanart I've done since my last post. Hope you enjoy! :D

Much too cute to resist!

Before you ask, yes this is a RocketShippy pic. I got inspired by a couple of screenshots I found on a fansite. So I fired up Gimp, plugged in my tablet and started drawing. I'm amazed at how well it came out since I only used the reference images a couple times...their eyes I actually did from memory! I'm especially proud of James...doesn't he look adorable?

Dawn is my second favorite of Ash's traveling companions(only second to Misty)and it was a lot of fun to finally get to draw her! I kind of have a soft spot for her because of her choice in starter Pokemon...which ended up being the same as I picked on my first Pokemon game(which was before I even got to Season 10 of the anime and saw her choice)!

The lovely May :)

So I decided to jump on the bandwagon and draw myself with part of my Pokemon team from Platinum. On the left is my amazing Level 100 Empoleon "Pippy"(yes I know I'm so creative with names!) and on the right is one of the many Gastly in my ghost Pokemon army >:D

Just a little Pikachu practice...because he's so cute. In fact, he's so cute he'd better hide before all his fans try to steal him from Ash!

A little something I sketched a while ago. See if you can guess who it is! ;)

A little something I sketched out just to see if I could. The sunset was probably the most...interesting to do. So many layers of brush strokes and I had to run it through the blurring tool so many times! Fortunately it came out alright in the end. Also I'm quite proud of how Toothless came out. I used no reference image whatsoever! :D

First of all I did not paint this entire thing. All I did was take the original screenshot, pick a color with the tool, use the selection tool to find an area that was close to the color and painted it in :)

tv: stargate atlantis, tv: pokemon: tr: james, tv: pokemon: tr: jessie, tv: pokemon, book/film: httyd: toothless, fanstuff: graphics: art

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