Icony Meme

Nov 23, 2010 03:41

Thought this looked like fun :D
Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have more than 150 icons, pick every fifteenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have.

Stolen from the_drop_zone

Why I have it: Because it's Nine/Rose. Nuff said.
Why it's interesting: Because there's dancing!
What significance it has: It's one of the first icons I actually made with The Gimp

Why I have it: Because it's Snotlout.
Why it's interesting: Snotlout made it...WITH HIS FACE! XD
What significance it has: I just love it...probably too much...just like I quote this too much

Why I have it: FISH CUSTARD!
Why it's interesting: Because Matt is eating fish custard
What significance it has: Fish custard, duh

Why I have it: Can you not see Hiccup's weird face?
Why it's interesting: Because he's so weird in it
What significance it has: It was part of my first animated HTTYD icon group :P

Why I have it: For those posts that cause me to make this face...like lost_laputian's  fanfiction :D
Why it's interesting: His lovey dovey face that makes me melt
What significance it has: If I use this on your post it means I'm in awe of your work

Why I have it: It's Jim...solar surfing. Need I say more?
Why it's interesting: He's solar surfing and looking awesome
What significance it has: Dunno...I just love it

Why I have it: Because Anya is hilarious awesomeness
Why it's interesting: Because she's twirling her hand
What significance it has: It's from the scariest Buffy episode ever

Why I have it: His. Face.
Why it's interesting: Because it's Hiccup...awkward!Hiccup
What significance it has: Awkward!Hiccup needs no explanation!!!

Why I have it: Smile Time. Puppet!Angel. Fred. Need I go on?
Why it's interesting: Because it just is!
What significance it has: I thought of Fred saying this the first time I saw the episode

meme, fanstuff: graphics: icons

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