Hero of the Winds WIP

Nov 11, 2010 02:47

The so called Hero of the Winds from Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker, my favorite of all the Zelda games.
You know...looking at the design for Windwaker!Link you wouldn't think he'd be that hard to draw, right? Wrong! This little guy gave me so much trouble...especially with his hair and legs. But I got through it with my pencil(and sanity)mostly intact...no thanks to Navi who kept buzzing around my head yelling "Hey" every so often and making me mess up. The worst part of all this was trying to get a decent picture(scanner is broken so I have to use my digital camera)of the sketch. Every time I used the flash it seemed to erase the pencil lines and when I didn't use the flash it was too almost too dark to see anything. I finally got a decent image and cleaned it up a bit with PhotoScape.I might try coloring him eventually...and I might draw him again, who knows?

game: legend of zelda, fanstuff: graphics: art

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